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Developer guide

This file is part of AREG SDK
Copyright (c) 2017-2021, Aregtech
Contact: info[at]

This document is a developer guide and describes how to develop a service enabled application.

Table of content

  1. Service interface prototype
  2. Code generator
  3. Generated codes
  4. Modeling and service initialization
  5. Hello Service!
  6. Make the build
  7. Contact us!

Service interface prototype

AREG SDK is an interface-centric communication engine. Before creating a service, there should be service interface designed, which defines API of service, and has following sections:

  1. The overview and type of service interface (Public or Local).
  2. The data types specific for the service or exported from any header file.
  3. Attributes, which are the data of services and developers can describe to be notified on value change.
  4. Methods, which are requests, responses and broadcasts.
  5. Constant values, needed by interface.
  6. Any additional file to include.

The service interfaces can be defined in a prototype XML document used to generate base objects to extend and develop the service or the service client(s). An example of the service interface prototype is Sample.siml, which contains all sections.

💡 The design UI tool to define interface is in development state and will be available in next release.

Public and Local services

The following example defines Sample service as Public (used in IPC).

<Overview ID="1" Name="Sample" Version="1.0.0" isRemote="true">
    <Description>This is an example of defining service interface.</Description>

If there is no isRemote attribute or it is set to false isRemote="true", the service interface is Local, used for multithreading communication and it is not visible outside of the process. Protect sensitive data with Local services.

💡 The Local services are not used in IPC, the system will ignore to forward messages and they will not be visible outside of process.

Data types

Every service interface can have service specific data types. When a new data type is defined, it can be used to declare any variables and parameters of methods. New data types are listed in the section <DataTypeList> ... </DataTypeList>. All data types are automatically streamable objects.


The following example demonstrates how to declare a new structure with the fields. The default values are used to set when the object is created. The fields of structure must have assigning operator, comparing operator, copy constructor (if an object), must be possible explicitly to convert to unsigned int and must be possible to stream.

<DataType ID="2" Name="SomeStruct" Type="Structure">
    <Description>Some structure with data. It will become new type.</Description>
        <Field DataType="int16" ID="3" Name="anyFiled1">
            <Value IsDefault="true">0</Value>
            <Description>Some filed 1</Description>
        <Field DataType="int32" ID="4" Name="anyField2">
            <Value IsDefault="true">0</Value>
            <Description>Just another field</Description>
        <Field DataType="String" ID="5" Name="anyField3">
            <Value IsDefault="true"/>
            <Description>More field.</Description>

In this example, the structure has 3 fields with default values to set when creating the object.


The following example demonstrates how to declare enumeration. All enumerations have the int type.

<DataType ID="6" Name="SomeEnum" Type="Enumerate" Values="default">
        <EnumEntry ID="7" Name="Invalid">
        <EnumEntry ID="8" Name="Nothing">
        <EnumEntry ID="9" Name="Something">
        <EnumEntry ID="10" Name="Anything">

The enumeration fields may have explicit values. In this example, the Invalid field has value -1.

Imported types

The following example demonstrates how to import an existing type. The specified NEMemory::uAlign is already existing in areg/base/NEMemory.hpp. It is imported to be used in the service.

<DataType ID="11" Name="uAlign" Type="Imported">
   <Description>This example exports NEMemory::uAlign in the service interface.</Description>

Defined containers

The following example demonstrates how to define a container. The container elements must be possible to copy, assign and compare. In case of hash-map, the key must be possible explicitly to convert to unsigned int.

New array:

<DataType ID="12" Name="SomeArray" Type="DefinedType">
    <Description>Defines new type of array</Description>

New linked list:

<DataType ID="13" Name="SomeList" Type="DefinedType">
    <Description>New type of linked list.</Description>

New hash-map:

<DataType ID="14" Name="SomeMap" Type="DefinedType">
    <Description>This example defines hash-map where key is exported and value is new data type.</Description>


Attributes in services are data that clients can subscribe to get update notifications. The attributes are listed in the section <AttributeList> ... </AttributeList>. In this example the system notifies connected clients when the value of SomeAttr1 is changed, i.e. not equal to previous value:

<Attribute DataType="SomeEnum" ID="15" Name="SomeAttr1" Notify="OnChange">
    <Description>An attribute to notify subscribers only when value is changed.</Description>

In this example, the system notifies clients each time when the value is set, i.e. does not compare and check equality:

<Attribute DataType="SomeStruct" ID="16" Name="SomeAttr2" Notify="Always">
    <Description>Another attribute to notify subscribers any time when value is set (maybe not changed).</Description>

Requests, responses and broadcasts

Service interface may have Request, Response and Broadcast methods. The Requests are called by clients to be executed on the service. The Responses are replies to the requests. Broadcasts are methods acting like events to delive multiple parameters.


The requests are called by clients to be executed on the service. The requests may have parameters. The requests may have linked response. If request has a response, then the processing request is blocked until service replies with the response. It is possible manually to unblock the request, but then the response must be manually prepared to reply. Multiple requests can be connected with the same response. The request may have no response at all.

This example demonstrates the definition of request SomeRequest1 with no parameter connected with a response SomeResponse1:

<Method ID="17" MethodType="request" Name="SomeRequest1" Response="SomeResponse1">
    <Description>Request and response with no parameters.</Description>

This example demonstrates the definition of request SomeRequest2 with multiple parameters connected with response SomeResponse:

<Method ID="20" MethodType="request" Name="SomeRequest2" Response="SomeResponse">
    <Description>A request with parameters that is connected to SomeResponse interface.</Description>
        <Parameter DataType="int32" ID="21" Name="param1"/>
        <Parameter DataType="SomeStruct" ID="23" Name="param2"/>
        <Parameter DataType="SomeEnum" ID="24" Name="param3">
            <Value IsDefault="true">SomeEnum::Nothing</Value>
            <Description>parameter with default value</Description>

This example demonstrates the definition of 2 requests SomeRequest2 and SomeRequest3 connected with the same response SomeResponse:

<Method ID="20" MethodType="request" Name="SomeRequest2" Response="SomeResponse">
    <Description>A request with parameters that is connected to SomeResponse interface.</Description>
        <Parameter DataType="int32" ID="21" Name="param1"/>
        <Parameter DataType="SomeStruct" ID="23" Name="param2"/>
        <Parameter DataType="SomeEnum" ID="24" Name="param3">
            <Value IsDefault="true">SomeEnum::Nothing</Value>
            <Description>parameter with default value</Description>
<Method ID="25" MethodType="request" Name="SomeRequest3" Response="SomeResponse">
    <Description>Another request with parameter that is connected with SomeResponse method</Description>
        <Parameter DataType="NEMemory::uAlign" ID="28" Name="param"/>

This example demonstrates the definition of request StandAlone with no response:

<Method ID="27" MethodType="request" Name="StandAlone">
    <Description>A request with no response.</Description>


The responses are sent to the service clients as a reply to execute one or more requests. When a client calls a request to execute on the service, the service may reply with response to the client. Clients as can dynamically to subscribe to receive certain response without calling the request. This example demonstrates the definition of response with and without parameters:

<Method ID="19" MethodType="response" Name="SomeResponse1">
<Method ID="22" MethodType="response" Name="SomeResponse">
    <Description>Response, where 2 requests can connect.</Description>
        <Parameter DataType="bool" ID="26" Name="succeeded"/>

💡 The system sends only one response per request when the request is in running state. The multiple responses on one request will have no effect, because the first response will mark the request as idle, so that the next replies will have no effect.


Broadcasts are methods to fireevent and send multiple data at the same time. The clients may dynamically subscribe on broadcast to receive multiple data. The broadcasts are not connected to any request or response. This example demonstrates the definition of a broadcast with parameters.

<Method ID="29" MethodType="broadcast" Name="SomeBroadcast">
    <Description>Broadcast with parameters. Can pass multiple parameters at once.</Description>
        <Parameter DataType="SomeEnum" ID="30" Name="value1">
            <Description>We already have 'param1' in response, this parameter name must differ.</Description>
        <Parameter DataType="NEMemory::uAlign" ID="31" Name="value2"/>
        <Parameter DataType="SomeStruct" ID="32" Name="value3"/>
        <Parameter DataType="SomeArray" ID="34" Name="value4"/>


The constants are listed in <ConstantList> ... </ConstantList> of the prototype document, the constants are used to share read-only value between clients and the service. This example demonstrates the definition of service specific constant:

<Constant DataType="uint16" ID="35" Name="SomeConst">
    <Description>Define a constant if need.</Description>


The includes are listed in ` ... of the prototype document. They are used to include headers when buil service interface. For example, a service may include header with algiruthms that are used by service. This example demonstrate the definition of includes:

    <Location ID="36" Name="areg/base/NEMath.hpp">
        <Description>can make additional includes</Description>

Code generator

When the service interface prototype document is designed, with the help of code-generator developers can generate base objects to extend. This helps to avoid tedious jobs and escape mistakes when type codes. The code generator is located in the tools folder of areg-sdk. Edit and run or generate.bat file to generate source code or call to run codegen.jar from command line. Before calling code generator, make sure that there is Java installed on the machine and the codegen.jar is included in the CLASSPATH environment variable.

$ java -jar codegen.jar --root=<project_root> --doc=<relative_path_to_siml> --target=<relative_path_to_target_location>

You may as well excplicitly specify the path of codegen.jar

$ java -jar <areg-sdk-root>/tools/codegen.jar --root=<project_root> --doc=<relative_path_to_siml> --target=<relative_path_to_target_location>


  • <project_root> if the path of your project, for example ~/aregtech/areg-sdk/examples;
  • <relative_path_to_siml> the service interface prototype file path relative to the project root, for example 12_pubsvc/res/SystemShutdown.siml
  • <relative_path_to_target_location> the generated code output folder path relative to the project root, for example 12_pubsvc/generated
  • <areg-sdk-root> is the path to areg-sdk sources.

Example of running code generator, copied from generate.bat file:

:: set the AREG_SDK_ROOT directory here
set AREG_SDK_ROOT=E:\Projects\aregtech\areg-sdk
:: .bat file directory
set BATCH_ROOT=%~dp0
:: In case of examples, one level up.
:: Specify the relative path of output folder
set CODE_GEN=generated\src
:: Include codegen.jar in CLASSPATH
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%AREG_SDK_ROOT%\tools;%AREG_SDK_ROOT%\tools\codegen.jar

@echo Generating class of HelloService Service Interface in folder %CODE_GEN% .....
java com.aregtech.CMFMain --root=%PROJECT_ROOT% --doc=res\HelloService.siml --target=%CODE_GEN%

Generated codes

The code generator generates sources to implement service and clients, as well generates helper classes to send, receive and dispatch events. Example of generated codes:
File structure after generating codes

Since the codes are generated for both service and the clients, and both of them may be compiled in different projects, we recommend to compile generated codes as a static library to link with the executables or shared libraries.

Modeling and service initialization

After generating codes, the implemented services must be a part of the Component object that run in a thread. The services and the clients can be either statically or dynamically defined in a model that is loaded to initialize objects. The example of dynamic model is in 14_pubtraffic. This is an example of static model:

// Describe mode, set model name
BEGIN_MODEL( "ServiceModel" )

    // define component thread
    BEGIN_REGISTER_THREAD( "TestServiceThread" )
        // define component, set role name.
        BEGIN_REGISTER_COMPONENT( NECommon::ServiceHelloName, ServiceComponent )
            // register HelloService service implementation.
            REGISTER_IMPLEMENT_SERVICE( NEHelloService::ServiceName, NEHelloService::InterfaceVersion )
        // end of component description
        END_REGISTER_COMPONENT( NECommon::ServiceHelloName )
    // end of thread description
    END_REGISTER_THREAD( "TestServiceThread" )

// end of model description
END_MODEL( "ServiceModel" )

// main method.
 * \brief   The main method enables logging, service manager and timer.
 *          It loads and unloads the services, releases application resources.
int main()
    printf("Testing simple remote servicing component. Run as a ultra-small Server...\n");

    // Initialize application, enable logging, servicing and the timer.
    Application::initApplication(true, true, true, true, nullptr, nullptr );

        TRACE_DBG("The application has been initialized, loading model [ %s ]", _modelName);

        // load model to initialize components

        TRACE_DBG("Servicing model is loaded");
        // wait until Application quit signal is set.

        // stop and unload components

        // release and cleanup resources of application.

    } while (false);
    printf("Completed testing simple remote servicing component. Check the logs...\n");

	return 0;

The example 10_locsvc and higher contain implementations of Local and Public services and the clients. Browse examples to learn more.

Hello Service!

This topic is the step-by-step practical example to create a service enabled application(s) based on AREG SDK solution. The application discovers service, sends a request and a response. The source codes of this project are in 00_helloservice. First, download sources of AREG SDK. For simplicity, create the new project inside examples folder and name it helloservice, so that the examples/helloservice is the root of this training.

We create 3 types of applications that use same common the service and the client located in common/src subfolder of the project, where:

  • service and client run in the same thread of the same application (same as Local service);
  • service and client run in different thread of the same application (same as Local service);
  • service and client run in different processes (same as Public service).

The agenda is to demonstrate service and client implementation, as well the posibility to split and the merge services in processes to distribute computing power between processes.

💡 More examples are listed in examples folder of areg-sdk.

Service Interface

In helloservice create another folder called res to locate the first service interface prototype XML document. Create a file HelloService.siml and copy this XML in the file, which is a definition of Public service interface with one request and connected response.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ServiceInterface FormatVersion="1.0.0">
    <Overview ID="1" Name="HelloService" Version="1.0.0" isRemote="true">
        <Description>The hello world application</Description>
        <Method ID="2" MethodType="request" Name="HelloService" Response="HelloService">
            <Description>The request to output a greeting.</Description>
                <Parameter DataType="String" ID="3" Name="client">
                    <Description>The name of client to output the greeting.</Description>
        <Method ID="4" MethodType="response" Name="HelloService">
            <Description>The response indicating success status to output a greeting</Description>
                <Parameter DataType="bool" ID="5" Name="success">
                    <Description>Flag, indicates the success of output.</Description>

Generate codes

💡 You must have Java installed on your machine to be able to run code generator.

Open command line terminal in helloservice folder and run following command:

$ java -jar ./../../tools/codegen.jar --root=./ --doc=res/HelloService.siml --target=generated/src

This script is valid for Linux and Windows OS. It runs codegen.jar and generates files located in the generated/src subfolder of helloservice.

Develop the service

We'll develop the service in the folder common/src and include in all projects. Before developing a service, it is important to know that:

  1. The Component is the owner of the service object. The Component can provide more than one service interface. The component can contain a mixture of services and clients.
  2. All service base class generated from a prototype XML document ends with Stub and contains the requests as pure virtual methods. For example, in our case the service base class has the name HelloServiceStub and it contains one pure virtual method.

In the common/src subfolder let's create file ServiceComponent.hpp to create ServiceComponent object of service component.

  • The ServiceComponent extends Component and HelloServiceStub classes.
  • The ServiceComponent contains 2 static methods Component * CreateComponent( ... ) and void DeleteComponent( ... ) to instantiate and free the object.
  • The ServiceComponent contains the void requestHelloService( const String & client ) override method.

The declaration of the service in the file common/src/ServiceComponent.hpp:

 * \file    common/src/ServiceComponent.hpp
 * \brief   Declaration of the service component.
#pragma once

#include "areg/base/GEGlobal.h"
#include "areg/component/Component.hpp"
#include "generated/src/HelloServiceStub.hpp"

// ServiceComponent declaration
class ServiceComponent  : public    Component
                        , protected HelloServiceStub
// static methods
     * \brief   Called to instantiate the service component when loading the model.
     * \param   entry   Indicates the component description entry from Registry.
     * \param   owner   The component owning thread.
    static Component * CreateComponent( const NERegistry::ComponentEntry & entry, ComponentThread & owner );

     * \brief   Called when unloading model to delete service component.
    static void DeleteComponent( Component & compObject, const NERegistry::ComponentEntry & entry );

    ServiceComponent(const NERegistry::ComponentEntry & entry, ComponentThread & owner);

    virtual ~ServiceComponent(void) = default;

// HelloService Interface Requests
     * \brief   The request to output a greeting.
     * \param   client  The name of client to output the greeting.
    virtual void requestHelloService( const String & client ) override;

// Hidden function calls
    //!< The wrapper of this pointer.
    inline ServiceComponent & self( void )
    {   return (*this); }

// Forbidden calls
    ServiceComponent( void ) = delete;
    DECLARE_NOCOPY_NOMOVE( ServiceComponent );

The implementation of the service in the file common/src/ServiceComponent.cpp:

 * \file    common/src/ServiceComponent.cpp
 * \brief   Implementation of the service component.
#include "common/src/ServiceComponent.hpp"

Component * ServiceComponent::CreateComponent(const NERegistry::ComponentEntry & entry, ComponentThread & owner)
    return DEBUG_NEW ServiceComponent(entry, owner);

void ServiceComponent::DeleteComponent(Component & compObject, const NERegistry::ComponentEntry & entry)
    delete (&compObject);

ServiceComponent::ServiceComponent(const NERegistry::ComponentEntry & entry, ComponentThread & owner)
    : Component         ( owner, entry.mRoleName)
    , HelloServiceStub  ( static_cast<Component &>(self()) )

void ServiceComponent::requestHelloService(const String & client)
    // output message
    printf("\'Hello Service!\' from %s\n", client.getString());

    // reply to unblock the request

In this example:

  • The class ServiceComponent is an instance of Component and HelloServiceStub.
  • The service is created in the static method Component * ServiceComponent::CreateComponent(const NERegistry::ComponentEntry & entry, ComponentThread & owner).
  • The service is deleted in the static method void ServiceComponent::DeleteComponent(Component & compObject, const NERegistry::ComponentEntry & entry).
  • The service implements virtual method virtual void requestHelloService(const String & client) inherited from HelloServiceStub.
  • In the request requestHelloService replies responseHelloService to the client and unlocks the request.

Develop the service client

We'll develop the client in the folder common/src to include in all projects. Before developing a client, it is important to know that:

  1. The Component is the owner of the service client object. The Component can provide more than one service client. A component can contain a mixture of services and clients.
  2. All service client base classes generated from a prototype XML document end with ClientBase and contain base implementations of responses, broadcasts, attribute updates, and request failure callback methods.
  3. Whenever service client is connected with the service, the system triggers bool serviceConnected( bool isConnected, ProxyBase & proxy ) callback to indicate the connection status and the proxy object that is communicating with the stub.
  4. Since there might be more than one client in the component, check both, isConnected and proxy parameters to figure the exact connection status of clients. For example, if there are more than one client implementation in component, the HelloService service client can be checked like this:
bool HelloServiceClient::serviceConnected( bool isConnected, ProxyBase & proxy )
    bool result = false;

    // Is this a notification of HelloService client proxy object?
    // This is same 'if (HelloServiceClientBase::getProxy() == &proxy)' condition
    if ( HelloServiceClientBase::serviceConnected(isConnected, proxy) )
        result = true;
        // it is a connection status of HelloService service
        if (isConnected)
            // we've got a connection, can start sending requests and subscribe on attributes, broadcasts and responses.
            // we lost connection, make fallback, free subscriptions
        // not a relevant service connection.

    return result;

In the common/src subfolder let's create file ClientComponent.hpp to create the ClientComponent object of service client.

  • The ClientComponent extends Component and HelloServiceClientBase classes.
  • The ClientComponent contains 2 static methods Component * CreateComponent( ... ) and void DeleteComponent( ... ) to instantiate and free the object.
  • The ClientComponent waits when it is notified of the service connection and sends the request to run on the service.
  • The ClientComponent contains overrides to handle reply and the request failure.

The declaration of the service in the file common/src/ClientComponent.hpp:

 * \file    common/src/ClientComponent.hpp
 * \brief   Declaration of the service client component.
#pragma once

#include "areg/base/GEGlobal.h"
#include "areg/component/Component.hpp"
#include "generated/src/HelloServiceClientBase.hpp"

// ClientComponent declaration
class ClientComponent   : public    Component
                        , protected HelloServiceClientBase
// static methods
     * \brief   Called to instantiate the service component when loading the model.
     * \param   entry   Indicates the component description entry from Registry.
     * \param   owner   The component owning thread.
    static Component * CreateComponent( const NERegistry::ComponentEntry & entry, ComponentThread & owner );

     * \brief   Called when unloading model to delete service component.
    static void DeleteComponent( Component & compObject, const NERegistry::ComponentEntry & entry );

    ClientComponent(const NERegistry::ComponentEntry & entry, ComponentThread & owner);

    virtual ~ClientComponent(void) = default;

 * Response HelloService
     * \brief   The response indicating success status to output a greeting
     * \param   success Flag, indicates the success of output.
    virtual void responseHelloService( bool success ) override;

     * \brief   Overwrite to handle error of HelloService request call.
     * \param   FailureReason   The failure reason value of request call.
    virtual void requestHelloServiceFailed( NEService::eResultType FailureReason ) override;

// IEProxyListener Overrides
     * \brief   Triggered when gets service connected / disconnected event.
     *          Client should be initialized and the listeners should be setup
     *          here. No request can be called, while service is not connected.
     * \param   isConnected     Indicates service connection status.
     * \param   proxy           The Service Interface Proxy object.
     * \return  Return true if this service connect notification was relevant to client object.
    virtual bool serviceConnected( bool isConnected, ProxyBase & proxy ) override;

// Hidden function calls
    //!< The wrapper of this pointer.
    inline ClientComponent & self( void )
    {   return (*this); }

// Forbidden calls
    ClientComponent( void ) = delete;
    DECLARE_NOCOPY_NOMOVE( ClientComponent );

The implementation of the service in the file common/src/ClientComponent.cpp:

 * \file    common/src/ClientComponent.hpp
 * \brief   Implementation of the service client component.
#include "common/src/ClientComponent.hpp"

#include "areg/base/Thread.hpp"
#include "areg/base/NECommon.hpp"
#include "areg/component/ComponentThread.hpp"
#include "areg/appbase/Application.hpp"

Component * ClientComponent::CreateComponent(const NERegistry::ComponentEntry & entry, ComponentThread & owner)
    return DEBUG_NEW ClientComponent(entry, owner);

void ClientComponent::DeleteComponent(Component & compObject, const NERegistry::ComponentEntry & entry)
    delete (&compObject);

ClientComponent::ClientComponent(const NERegistry::ComponentEntry & entry, ComponentThread & owner)
    : Component             ( owner, entry.mRoleName )
    , HelloServiceClientBase  ( entry.mDependencyServices[0].mRoleName.getString(), owner )

bool ClientComponent::serviceConnected(bool isConnected, ProxyBase & proxy)
    bool result = false;
    if ( HelloServiceClientBase::serviceConnected(isConnected, proxy) )
        if (isConnected)
            // Up from this part the client can:
            //      a. call requests to run on server side.
            //      b. subscribe on data update notification
            //      c. subscribe on broadcasts and responses.

            // call request to run on server side.
            requestHelloService( getRoleName() );
            // No connection, make cleanups, release subscription here, signal to quit application.

    return result;

void ClientComponent::responseHelloService( bool success )
    printf("%s to output message.\n", success ? "succeeded" : "failed");

    // Sleep for no reason! Do not do this in a real application.
    // It is done to give chance to see output message on console.
    // Otherwise, the next line of code close the application and yuo miss the message on console.

    // The client completed the job, set signal to quit application

void ClientComponent::requestHelloServiceFailed(NEService::eResultType FailureReason)
    // make error handling here.
    printf("Failed to execute request, retry again.\n");
    if (isConnected())
        // the service is still connected, and can resend the request.
        requestHelloService( getRoleName() );

In this example:

  • The ServiceClient is an instance of Component and HelloServiceClientBase.
  • The service client is created in the static method Component * ServiceClient::CreateComponent(const NERegistry::ComponentEntry & entry, ComponentThread & owner).
  • The service client is deleted in the static method void ServiceClient::DeleteComponent(Component & compObject, const NERegistry::ComponentEntry & entry).
  • The service client overrides virtual method virtual bool serviceConnected(bool isConnected, ProxyBase & proxy) to react on service connect / disconnect events.
  • The service client overrides virtual method virtual void responseHelloService( bool success ) to react on service reply.
  • The service client overrides virtual method virtual requestHelloServiceFailed(NEService::eResultType FailureReason) to react on request failure (error handling).
  • In the serviceConnected when clients establishes the connection, it calls method requestHelloWorl to run on remote service.

Create and load model

When services and clients are created, the developers can decide how to distribute service and client objects.

  • The service and the client can run in the same thread of the same process.
  • The service and the client can run in separate threads of the same process.
  • The service and the client can run in separate processes (Public service case).

We'll consider each case and for each case we create a new project to run. The model can be created either statically (fixed) or dynamically (can vary). Here we create static models.

Model with single thread

This example demonstrates how to instantiate service and client in one thread to act as Local service. Create onethread/src subfolder in the helloservice, and create the main.cpp source file to implement the model and application. File ./onethread/src/main.cpp.

💡 In the example, there are 2 components declared in one thread.

 * \file    onethread/src/main.cpp
 * \brief   Runs service and the client in one thread.
#include "areg/base/GEGlobal.h"
#include "areg/base/NEUtilities.hpp"
#include "areg/appbase/Application.hpp"
#include "areg/component/ComponentLoader.hpp"

#include "common/src/ServiceComponent.hpp"
#include "common/src/ClientComponent.hpp"

#include <string>

// Use these options if compile for Windows with MSVC
// It links with areg library (dynamic or static) and generated static library
#ifdef WINDOWS
    #pragma comment(lib, "areg")
    #pragma comment(lib, "00_generated.lib")
#endif // WINDOWS

//!< The name of model
constexpr char const _modelName[]   { "ServiceModel" };
//! Service component role
constexpr char const _service[]     { "ServiceComponent" };
//!< Client component name. Let's generate the name for client service, we'll use it later.
const std::string   _client( NEUtilities::generateName("ServiceClient").getString() );

// Describe model, register the service and the client in one thread "Thread1"

        // register service in the thread
        BEGIN_REGISTER_COMPONENT( _service, ServiceComponent )
            REGISTER_IMPLEMENT_SERVICE( NEHelloService::ServiceName, NEHelloService::InterfaceVersion )
        END_REGISTER_COMPONENT( _service )
        // register client in the same thread
        BEGIN_REGISTER_COMPONENT( _client.c_str(), ClientComponent )
            REGISTER_DEPENDENCY( _service ) /* reference to the service*/
        END_REGISTER_COMPONENT( _client )
    END_REGISTER_THREAD( "Thread1" )

// end of model description

// main method

int main( void )
    // Initialize application, enable logging, servicing and the timer.
    Application::initApplication(true, true, true, true, nullptr, nullptr );

    // load model to initialize components

    // wait until Application quit signal is set.

    // stop and unload components

    // release and cleanup resources of application.

    return 0;

Model with multiple threads

This example demonstrates how to instantiate service and client in two threads to act as Local service. Create twothreads/src subfolder in the helloservice, and create the main.cpp source file to implement the model and application. File ./twothreads/src/main.cpp.

 * \file    twothreads/src/main.cpp
 * \brief   Runs service and the client in one thread.
#include "areg/base/GEGlobal.h"
#include "areg/base/NEUtilities.hpp"
#include "areg/appbase/Application.hpp"
#include "areg/component/ComponentLoader.hpp"

#include "common/src/ServiceComponent.hpp"
#include "common/src/ClientComponent.hpp"

#include <string>

// Use these options if compile for Windows with MSVC
// It links with areg library (dynamic or static) and generated static library
#ifdef WINDOWS
    #pragma comment(lib, "areg")
    #pragma comment(lib, "00_generated.lib")
#endif // WINDOWS

//!< The name of model
constexpr char const _modelName[]   { "ServiceModel" };
//! Service component role
constexpr char const _service[]     { "ServiceComponent" };
//!< Client component name. Let's generate the name for client service, we'll use it later.
const std::string   _client( NEUtilities::generateName("ServiceClient").getString() );

// Describe model, register the service and the client in 2 different threads "Thread1" and "Thread2"
    // Thread 1, provides a service
        BEGIN_REGISTER_COMPONENT( _service, ServiceComponent )
            REGISTER_IMPLEMENT_SERVICE( NEHelloService::ServiceName, NEHelloService::InterfaceVersion )
        END_REGISTER_COMPONENT( _service )
    END_REGISTER_THREAD( "Thread1" )

    // Thread 2, is a client / service consumer.
        BEGIN_REGISTER_COMPONENT( _client.c_str(), ClientComponent )
            REGISTER_DEPENDENCY( _service ) /* reference to the service*/
        END_REGISTER_COMPONENT( _client )
    END_REGISTER_THREAD( "Thread2" )

// end of model description

// main method

int main( void )
    // Initialize application, enable logging, servicing and the timer.
    Application::initApplication(true, true, true, true, nullptr, nullptr );

    // load model to initialize components

    // wait until Application quit signal is set.

    // stop and unload components

    // release and cleanup resources of application.

    return 0;

Model of separate processes

This example demonstrates how to instantiate service and client in two separate processes to act as Public service. This requires 2 projects for each process. Create empty main.cpp source file in 2 multiprocess\serviceproc\src and multiprocess\clientproc\src subfolder of the helloservice.

💡 Note, the model and thread names in these 2 processes have same name, but the service roles differ.

In file ./multiprocess/serviceproc/src/main.cpp we declare and instantiate the Public service.

 * \file    multiprocess/serviceproc/src/main.cpp
 * \brief   Runs service in the process.
#include "areg/base/GEGlobal.h"
#include "areg/base/NEUtilities.hpp"
#include "areg/appbase/Application.hpp"
#include "areg/component/ComponentLoader.hpp"

#include "common/src/ServiceComponent.hpp"

#include <string>

// Use these options if compile for Windows with MSVC
// It links with areg library (dynamic or static) and generated static library
#ifdef WINDOWS
    #pragma comment(lib, "areg")
    #pragma comment(lib, "00_generated.lib")
#endif // WINDOWS

//!< The name of model
constexpr char const _modelName[]   { "ServiceModel" };
//! Service component role
constexpr char const _service[]     { "ServiceComponent" };

// Describe model, register the provided service in this model

        BEGIN_REGISTER_COMPONENT( _service, ServiceComponent )
            REGISTER_IMPLEMENT_SERVICE( NEHelloService::ServiceName, NEHelloService::InterfaceVersion )
        END_REGISTER_COMPONENT( _service )
    END_REGISTER_THREAD( "Thread1" )

// end of model description

// main method

int main( void )
    // Initialize application, enable logging, servicing and the timer.
    Application::initApplication(true, true, true, true, nullptr, nullptr );

    // load model to initialize components

    // wait until Application quit signal is set.

    // stop and unload components

    // release and cleanup resources of application.

    return 0;

In file ./multiprocess/clientproc/src/main.cpp we declare and instantiate the client of Public service.

 * \file    multiprocess/clientproc/src/main.hpp
 * \brief   Runs service and the client in one thread.

#include "areg/base/GEGlobal.h"
#include "areg/base/NEUtilities.hpp"
#include "areg/appbase/Application.hpp"
#include "areg/component/ComponentLoader.hpp"

#include "common/src/ClientComponent.hpp"

#include <string>

// Use these options if compile for Windows with MSVC
// It links with areg library (dynamic or static) and generated static library
#ifdef WINDOWS
    #pragma comment(lib, "areg")
    #pragma comment(lib, "00_generated.lib")
#endif // WINDOWS

//!< The name of model
constexpr char const _modelName[]   { "ServiceModel" };
//! Service component role
constexpr char const _service[]     { "ServiceComponent" };
//!< Client component name. Let's generate the name for client service, we'll use it later.
const std::string   _client( NEUtilities::generateName("ServiceClient").getString() );

// Describe model, register the service consumer (client)

        BEGIN_REGISTER_COMPONENT( _client.c_str(), ClientComponent )
            REGISTER_DEPENDENCY( _service ) /* reference to the service*/
        END_REGISTER_COMPONENT( _client )
    END_REGISTER_THREAD( "Thread1" )

// end of model description

// main method

int main( void )
    // Initialize application, enable logging, servicing and the timer.
    Application::initApplication(true, true, true, true, nullptr, nullptr );

    // load model to initialize components

    // wait until Application quit signal is set.

    // stop and unload components

    // release and cleanup resources of application.

    return 0;

For this particular project, there can be multiple instances of service clients to start, because the role is generated and it is unique. The application will work if a client runs on another machine(s) within the network connected to the mcrouter.

Make the build

The builds can be done with the help of MS Visual Studio, Eclipse or Makefile. We do not consider in details all cases and hope that developers will be able to creae projects for MS Visual Studio and Eclipse. You can also use project files in 00_helloservice and subfodels to use them as templates. Here are the Makefiles to place in folders to compile. The Makefile should be present in following folrders







We'll use Makefile settings of areg-sdk to build the projects, but will not go to much into the details. To escape flooding of this manual, I'll not output each Makefile of helloservice project. Instead, use identical structure of 00_helloservice, copy Makefiles and remove everywhere string 00_, so that for example the Makefile in helloservice will look like this:

helloservice_BASE       := $(AREG_EXAMPLES)/helloservice
helloservice_OUTPUT_OBJ := $(AREG_OUTPUT_OBJ)/helloservice

helloservice_CXXFLAGS   = -I$(helloservice_BASE) $(examples_CXXFLAGS)
helloservice_LDFLAGS    = -L $(AREG_OUTPUT_LIB) -Wl,-Bstatic -l$(generated_PROJECT_NAME) -Wl,-Bdynamic $(examples_LDFLAGS)

# 'generated' have to be first
include $(helloservice_BASE)/generated/Makefile
include $(helloservice_BASE)/onethread/Makefile
include $(helloservice_BASE)/twothreads/Makefile
include $(helloservice_BASE)/multiprocess/serviceproc/Makefile
include $(helloservice_BASE)/multiprocess/clientproc/Makefile

helloservice: $(AREG_OUTPUT_BIN)/$(onethread_TARGET_BIN) $(AREG_OUTPUT_BIN)/$(twothreads_TARGET_BIN) $(AREG_OUTPUT_BIN)/$(serviceproc_TARGET_BIN) $(AREG_OUTPUT_BIN)/$(clientproc_TARGET_BIN)

.PHONY: helloservice

When go through all subfolders, do not forget to include new projects of helloservice in the examples/Makefile. To to so, let's make the last step in example/Makefile and modify followings:

Step #1: Include Makefile of helloservice:

include $(AREG_EXAMPLES)/helloservice/Makefile

Step #2: Include helloservice in build (project added at the end):

examples: 00_helloservice 01_hello 02_buffer 03_file 04_trace \
    05_timer 06_threads 07_synch 08_service 09_svcmulti \
    10_locsvc 11_locmesh 12_pubsvc 13_pubmesh \
    14_pubtraffic 15_pubworker 16_pubfsm helloservice

Now the projects are ready for compilation. Open the Terminal and if already have build areg library, call from commandline to build only examples:

$ make examples

or if you want to build all, just call make with or without optional all option:


The compiled binaries you find in /product/build//bin. You can run them ans see the results.

💡 When testing Public service implemented in serviceproc and the client clientproc do not forget to start mcrouter. The sequence of process startup has no dependency, the client and service communicate as soon as Automatic Service Discovery detects the availability of service and the client.

Contact us!

Contact us at info[at] for any reason. Do not forget to star us at GitHub.