Creator : Andrea DAWBIO1
This md resums the function of the app. This app is a mix for user entertainig.
Tools: Python, Flask, Flask-SQLAlchemy, Sqlite3, html, jinja2, css.
-gallery: 15 images .jpg
- 4 images .png
-this file(All for
Contains an input to add a string by the user. Returns a greeting. Have a left nav to move to another pages.
Declare the path of the local images. Displays as a gallery in the web with a home button to redirect to the main page.
Creates a db in blank -Allows input(add) of a task(string) giving it a id -Update the task as completed or not completed -Delete the task
Database of useless facts -Search by a fact -Add id, theme, and fact via input /api/ -Search by theme in the url -Search by id or theme or fact in the url -Shows all the facts json format via url Shows a json result
Takes a random quote of a dictionary Displays in the web with a home button to redirect the main page.