Trigger a flow based on a state or state change of another flow. e.g. when all upstream tasks have succeeded. Can also use other state conditionals e.g. 'any upstream task succeeds' --> Many available functions for this. The flow.set_reference_tasks()
function sets the success task to the reference task below to repesent the overall state of the flow
@task(name="My Parent Task")
def task_parent():
if random.random() > 0.5:
raise ValueError("Non-deterministic error has occured.")
@task(name="Success Task", trigger=all_successful)
def task_success():
# do something interesting
@task(name="Failure Task", trigger=all_failed)
def task_fail():
# do something interesting
with Flow("Trigger example") as flow:
success = task_success(upstream_tasks=[task_a])
fail = task_fail(upstream_tasks=[task_a])