- Game
- has a World
- has 2D map of Regions
- World
- WorldCell: one cell in the world map
- Region
- has 2D map of Cells
- RegionCell: one cell in the region
- simulation/
- world/
- worldFactory
- game/
- world/
- interface
- module-name/
- components/
- index.tsx
- ModuleName.tsx
- Main thread: communicates between threads, renders UI
- Game thread: runs simulation
- World thread: handles pathfinding requests
- Generator thread:
- world generator
- region generator
- 3 Steps, each with 2 columns
Left: form showing config for this step
Right: PixiJS Viewport showing map
- option for viewing in full screen modal
- Generating one step throws away all previous steps
- Each step depends on the previous steps
Steps and config:
- Terrain - width & height - world shape - roughness (dropdown) - world shape power (0 to 5)
- Temperature - temperature range - elevation cooling amount
- Water - sealevel (0 to 255) - moistureModifier (0 to 1) - depressionFillPercent (0 to 1) - riverThreshold (0 to 1) (0 to 1)
- Biomes -
- monthly temperatures for each cell
- using insolation formula?
- wrap edges of map
- simulating rainfall (depressions being lakes?)
- 3D map viewer?
- Planet model:
- mass
- diameter
- axial tilt
- Steps:
- For each cell:
- calculate insolation (input), and radiance (output)
- calculate temperature
- spread temperature to neighboring cells
- For each cell:
New Game
- World Generator
- top left:
- dropdown menu:
- save map (open modal)
- load map (open modal)
- exit
- world config dropdown
- regenerate button
- randomize button
- dropdown menu:
- left sidebar (33% width)
- world config
- bottom:
- start game button (primary)
- bottom right:
- map mode menu
- minimap
- view controls:
- grid
- debug layer
- coastline border
- regions
- Game Generator: edit game starting conditions
- load map
- load game
- start game worker
- full page card
Load Game: list of saved games