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Negative scalability nearly removed #14

Laurae2 opened this issue Nov 10, 2018 · 10 comments

Negative scalability nearly removed #14

Laurae2 opened this issue Nov 10, 2018 · 10 comments


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Laurae2 commented Nov 10, 2018

Using the following tricks:

The performance becomes the following.

Speed table, from left to right accumulation:

Threads 0.

Trick 1.
1.1. Depend
1.2. Bad Loop
Trick 2.
Trick 3.
Thread nb.

Trick 4.
Loop Fill

Trick 5.
1 02.482 02.441 02.484 02.436 02.455 02.229 1.1x
2 01.927 01.850 01.645 01.598 01.599 01.200 1.6x
4 02.237 02.059 01.195 01.117 01.143 00.748 3.0x
6 02.838 02.515 01.035 01.000 01.004 00.624 4.5x
9 04.182 03.656 01.172 01.218 01.107 00.616 6.8x
17 09.712 09.126 01.826 01.923 02.021 00.843 11.5x
18 09.321 09.900 02.009 02.008 02.161 00.834 11.2x
19 11.102 10.824 02.412 02.476 02.512 00.929 11.9x
27 24.526 17.281 03.259 03.458 03.555 01.099 22.3x
35 38.559 23.264 03.433 03.803 03.803 01.146 33.6x
36 40.351 23.972 03.597 03.820 03.857 01.155 34.9x
37 39.076 23.305 03.570 03.958 04.076 01.172 33.4x
54 52.389 40.782 09.248 09.476 09.520 01.236 42.4x
71 79.262 58.390 17.217 11.197 14.736 01.389 57.0x
72 81.466 62.740 20.849 14.417 15.121 01.446 56.4x

Average speed:


Average speed, low thread count:


Parallel efficiency:


Inverted parallel efficiency:

image, lot of changes:

#include <dmlc/omp.h>
#include <perflab/build_hist.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <vector>

namespace perflab {

void GHistBuilder::BuildHist(const std::vector<GradientPair>& gpair,
                             const std::vector<size_t>& instance_set,
                             const GHistIndexMatrix& gmat,
                             std::vector<GHistEntry>* hist) {
  std::vector<GHistEntry> data__; // private alloc
  #pragma omp simd // makes code slower and should be removed, but kept here for comparison
  for (size_t i = 0; i < data__.size(); i++) {
    data__[i] = GHistEntry();

  constexpr int kUnroll = 8;  // loop unrolling factor
  const auto nthread = static_cast<dmlc::omp_uint>(this->nthread_);
  const size_t nrows = instance_set.size();
  const size_t rest = nrows % kUnroll;
  const size_t unrolled = nrows - rest;
  const dmlc::omp_uint tid = omp_get_thread_num();
  const size_t off = tid * nbin_;
  size_t rid[kUnroll];
  size_t ibegin[kUnroll];
  size_t iend[kUnroll];
  GradientPair stat[kUnroll];
  uint32_t bin;

  for (dmlc::omp_uint i = 0; i < unrolled; i += kUnroll) {
    // Force ignore outer loop carried dependency as proven by Intel Advisor
    #if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
    #  pragma ivdep
    #elif defined(__GNUG__)
    #  pragma GCC ivdep
    for (int k = 0; k < kUnroll; ++k) {
      rid[k] = instance_set[i + k];
    // Force ignore outer loop carried dependency as proven by Intel Advisor
    #if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
    #  pragma ivdep
    #elif defined(__GNUG__)
    #  pragma GCC ivdep
    for (int k = 0; k < kUnroll; ++k) {
      ibegin[k] = gmat.row_ptr[rid[k]];
      iend[k] = gmat.row_ptr[rid[k] + 1];
    // Force ignore outer loop carried dependency as proven by Intel Advisor
    #if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
    #  pragma ivdep
    #elif defined(__GNUG__)
    #  pragma GCC ivdep
    for (int k = 0; k < kUnroll; ++k) {
      stat[k] = gpair[rid[k]];
    // Force ignore outer loop carried dependency as proven by Intel Advisor
    #if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
    #  pragma ivdep
    #  pragma unroll
    #elif defined(__GNUG__)
    #  pragma GCC ivdep
    #  pragma unroll
    for (int k = 0; k < kUnroll; ++k) {
      // Very bad inner loop carried dependency causing inter-thread mass locks, should rewrite .Add(stat[k]) from scratch
      for (size_t j = ibegin[k]; j < iend[k]; ++j) {
        bin = gmat.index[j];
        data__[off + bin].Add(stat[k]);

  for (size_t i = nrows - rest; i < nrows; ++i) {
    const size_t rid = instance_set[i];
    const size_t ibegin = gmat.row_ptr[rid];
    const size_t iend = gmat.row_ptr[rid + 1];
    const GradientPair stat = gpair[rid];
    for (size_t j = ibegin; j < iend; ++j) {
      const uint32_t bin = gmat.index[j];

  /* reduction */
  const uint32_t nbin = nbin_;
  #pragma omp simd
  for (dmlc::omp_uint bin_id = 0; bin_id < dmlc::omp_uint(nbin); ++bin_id) {
    (*hist)[bin_id].Add(data__[tid * nbin_ + bin_id]);

}  // namespace perflab, only 2 changes (2 pragmas added):

#include <dmlc/timer.h>
#include <dmlc/logging.h>
#include <dmlc/omp.h>
#include <perflab/data_structure.h>
#include <perflab/build_hist.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>

template <typename T>
std::vector<T> ParseNewlineSeparatedText(const std::string& path) {
  std::ifstream fin(path);
  std::vector<T> vec;
  T val;
  CHECK(! << "File " << path << " not found!";
  while ( (fin >> val) ) {
  return vec;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  if (argc != 3) {
    std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [location of extracted record.tar.bz2] [number of threads]" << std::endl;
    return 1;
  const std::string record_path(argv[1]);
  const int nthread = std::stoi(argv[2]); 
  CHECK_GT(nthread, 0) << "There should be positive number of threads";
  CHECK_LE(nthread, omp_get_max_threads()) << "Too many threads";

  LOG(INFO) << "Record location = " << record_path << ", Using " << nthread << " threads";

  double tstart = dmlc::GetTime();

  perflab::GHistIndexMatrix gmat;
  gmat.row_ptr = ParseNewlineSeparatedText<size_t>(record_path + "/gmat_row_ptr.txt");
  gmat.index = ParseNewlineSeparatedText<uint32_t>(record_path + "/gmat_index.txt");
  gmat.cut.row_ptr = ParseNewlineSeparatedText<uint32_t>(record_path + "/gmat_cut_row_ptr.txt");
  gmat.cut.min_val = ParseNewlineSeparatedText<float>(record_path + "/gmat_cut_min_val.txt");
  gmat.cut.cut = ParseNewlineSeparatedText<float>(record_path + "/gmat_cut_cut.txt");

  // size of each gradient histogram
  const uint32_t nbin = gmat.cut.row_ptr.back();

  std::vector<perflab::GradientPair> gpair
    = ParseNewlineSeparatedText<perflab::GradientPair>(record_path + "/gpair-198-0.txt");

  // One histogram is created for each instance set
  const int num_instance_set = 2920;
  std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> instance_set;
  std::vector<std::vector<perflab::GHistEntry>> histogram(
    num_instance_set, std::vector<perflab::GHistEntry>(nbin));

  for (int i = 0; i < num_instance_set; ++i) {
    const std::string path = std::string(record_path + "/rowind-198-") + std::to_string(i) + ".txt";

  LOG(INFO) << "Data loaded in " << (dmlc::GetTime() - tstart) << " seconds";

  // Initialize histogram builder
  perflab::GHistBuilder hist_builder(nthread, nbin);

  // Compute histograms
  tstart = dmlc::GetTime();
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
#  pragma ivdep
#elif defined(__GNUG__)
#  pragma GCC ivdep
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nthread) schedule(dynamic)
  for (int i = 0; i < num_instance_set; ++i) {
    hist_builder.BuildHist(gpair, instance_set[i], gmat, &histogram[i]);
  LOG(INFO) << "Gradient histograms computed in " << (dmlc::GetTime() - tstart) << " seconds";

  return 0;

Full table of performance:

Threads 0.

Trick 1.
1.1. Depend
1.2. Bad Loop
Trick 2.
Trick 3.
Thread nb.

Trick 4.
Loop Fill

Trick 5.
1 02.482 02.441 02.484 02.436 02.455 02.229 1.1x
2 01.927 01.850 01.645 01.598 01.599 01.200 1.6x
3 01.977 01.893 01.325 01.266 01.295 00.890 2.2x
4 02.237 02.059 01.195 01.117 01.143 00.748 3.0x
5 02.542 02.263 01.097 01.049 01.043 00.667 3.8x
6 02.838 02.515 01.035 01.000 01.004 00.624 4.5x
7 03.168 02.854 01.063 00.980 01.027 00.593 5.3x
8 03.841 03.306 00.981 01.066 01.017 00.583 6.6x
9 04.182 03.656 01.172 01.218 01.107 00.616 6.8x
10 04.533 04.164 01.286 01.266 01.188 00.633 7.2x
11 05.010 04.802 01.397 01.433 01.295 00.635 7.9x
12 06.067 05.532 01.464 01.525 01.424 00.662 9.2x
13 06.388 06.362 01.536 01.600 01.467 00.688 9.3x
14 06.483 07.018 01.551 01.751 01.554 00.689 9.4x
15 07.394 07.557 01.605 01.695 01.682 00.713 10.4x
16 08.531 08.253 01.754 01.795 01.894 00.856 10.0x
17 09.712 09.126 01.826 01.923 02.021 00.843 11.5x
18 09.321 09.900 02.009 02.008 02.161 00.834 11.2x
19 11.102 10.824 02.412 02.476 02.512 00.929 11.9x
20 13.069 11.733 02.831 02.820 02.889 00.976 13.4x
21 14.429 12.524 02.881 03.036 03.054 01.013 14.2x
22 16.070 13.357 02.979 03.111 03.154 01.030 15.6x
23 18.375 14.179 03.029 03.133 03.208 01.058 17.4x
24 19.613 14.851 03.128 03.288 03.327 01.071 18.3x
25 21.289 15.756 03.116 03.392 03.405 01.087 19.6x
26 22.978 16.538 03.217 03.476 03.519 01.097 21.0x
27 24.526 17.281 03.259 03.458 03.555 01.099 22.3x
28 25.963 18.012 03.326 03.554 03.636 01.103 23.5x
29 28.605 18.821 03.259 03.553 03.621 01.118 25.6x
30 31.097 19.497 03.240 03.530 03.618 01.124 27.7x
31 32.949 20.344 03.304 03.614 03.638 01.139 28.9x
32 34.603 20.981 03.349 03.572 03.649 01.138 30.4x
33 35.858 21.816 03.284 03.757 03.725 01.139 31.5x
34 37.469 22.591 03.385 03.712 03.768 01.139 32.9x
35 38.559 23.264 03.433 03.803 03.803 01.146 33.6x
36 40.351 23.972 03.597 03.820 03.857 01.155 34.9x
37 39.076 23.305 03.570 03.958 04.076 01.172 33.4x
38 39.487 24.014 03.696 04.225 04.089 01.183 33.4x
39 40.607 24.657 03.883 04.150 04.398 01.176 34.5x
40 41.691 25.261 04.060 04.639 04.474 01.185 35.2x
41 42.101 25.895 04.460 05.000 04.658 01.182 35.6x
42 42.200 26.691 05.462 05.826 05.306 01.200 35.2x
43 42.957 29.532 06.047 06.193 06.382 01.207 35.6x
44 43.713 31.401 06.882 06.914 07.299 01.205 36.3x
45 45.977 33.044 07.097 07.436 07.379 01.207 38.1x
46 45.250 34.337 07.384 07.731 07.760 01.210 37.4x
47 46.079 35.279 07.733 08.058 07.953 01.216 37.9x
48 47.958 36.092 07.801 08.158 08.094 01.217 39.4x
49 47.339 36.882 08.090 08.483 08.398 01.216 38.9x
50 50.446 37.709 08.315 08.653 08.662 01.213 41.6x
51 50.691 38.589 08.544 08.881 08.886 01.216 41.7x
52 51.344 39.377 08.810 09.029 09.051 01.226 41.9x
53 51.757 39.966 08.998 09.198 09.280 01.221 42.4x
54 52.389 40.782 09.248 09.476 09.520 01.236 42.4x
55 55.402 41.526 09.282 09.521 09.494 01.234 44.9x
56 58.415 42.294 09.339 09.637 09.594 01.237 47.2x
57 60.048 43.469 09.346 09.634 09.747 01.256 47.8x
58 61.238 45.269 09.352 09.706 09.886 01.259 48.6x
59 62.692 46.186 09.312 09.669 09.859 01.258 49.8x
60 65.080 47.080 09.399 09.935 09.796 01.268 51.3x
61 64.910 47.394 09.579 09.672 09.869 01.270 51.1x
62 65.799 48.129 09.628 09.946 09.915 01.278 51.5x
63 67.791 48.953 09.582 09.842 09.919 01.281 52.9x
64 69.838 52.467 09.762 09.935 10.025 01.281 54.5x
65 71.856 54.472 09.636 10.018 10.149 01.277 56.3x
66 71.945 55.588 09.840 10.110 10.284 01.294 55.6x
67 74.701 56.694 09.818 10.012 10.133 01.290 57.9x
68 76.361 57.011 10.036 10.389 11.636 01.321 57.8x
69 75.769 58.643 11.228 10.500 10.811 01.308 57.9x
70 76.516 59.118 12.152 12.463 13.002 01.317 58.1x
71 79.262 58.390 17.217 11.197 14.736 01.389 57.0x
72 81.466 62.740 20.849 14.417 15.121 01.446 56.4x
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Laurae2 commented Nov 10, 2018

ping @hcho3 for code checking, there is no test at the end therefore I cannot really check whether it is computing correctly or not.

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Laurae2 commented Nov 10, 2018

Mostly L1 and L3 bound data now with 18 threads.





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This is great work @Laurae2! Do you have the individual changes in a repo so we can check the diff? It will be easier, at least for me, to figure out how your changes work.

Laurae2 added a commit to Laurae2/xgboost-fast-hist-perf-lab that referenced this issue Nov 17, 2018
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Laurae2 commented Nov 17, 2018

@thvasilo Check this:

With the float transformation of @SmirnovEgorRu in #15, I am getting 0.75s for 2 thread, 0.3s for 9 threads, and 0.8s for 36 threads.

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Laurae2 commented Nov 17, 2018

With double to float trick for gradient / hessian. Now up to 100x to original speed, negative scaling is still here past 10 threads but way lower than before.

The charts depicts a strange behavior past 30 threads.


Truncated table:

Threads 0.

Trick 5.

Trick 5.

Trick 6.
to Float
Trick 6.
to Float
1 02.482 02.086 02.229 01.214 01.454 1.7x
2 01.927 01.144 01.200 00.665 00.771 2.5x
4 02.237 00.732 00.748 00.408 00.449 5.0x
6 02.838 00.610 00.624 00.336 00.359 7.9x
9 04.182 00.622 00.616 00.299 00.310 13.5x
17 09.712 00.949 00.843 00.334 00.341 28.5x
18 09.321 00.939 00.834 00.339 00.347 26.8x
19 11.102 01.039 00.929 00.358 00.370 30.0x
27 24.526 01.207 01.099 00.434 00.433 56.6x
35 38.559 01.245 01.146 00.729 00.643 60.0x
36 40.351 01.257 01.155 00.731 00.640 63.1x
37 39.076 01.273 01.172 00.735 00.644 60.6x
54 52.389 01.309 01.236 00.788 00.682 76.8x
71 79.262 01.486 01.389 00.922 00.799 99.1x
72 81.466 01.531 01.446 00.967 00.832 97.9x

Full table:

Threads 0.

Trick 5.

Trick 5.

Trick 6.
to Float
Trick 6.
to Float
1 02.482 02.086 02.229 01.214 01.454 1.7x
2 01.927 01.144 01.200 00.665 00.771 2.5x
3 01.977 00.855 00.890 00.488 00.549 3.6x
4 02.237 00.732 00.748 00.408 00.449 5.0x
5 02.542 00.655 00.667 00.363 00.394 6.5x
6 02.838 00.610 00.624 00.336 00.359 7.9x
7 03.168 00.590 00.593 00.319 00.336 9.4x
8 03.841 00.594 00.583 00.309 00.321 12.0x
9 04.182 00.622 00.616 00.299 00.310 13.5x
10 04.533 00.641 00.633 00.294 00.302 15.0x
11 05.010 00.648 00.635 00.299 00.303 16.5x
12 06.067 00.668 00.662 00.306 00.310 19.6x
13 06.388 00.708 00.688 00.312 00.317 20.2x
14 06.483 00.713 00.689 00.317 00.323 20.1x
15 07.394 00.726 00.713 00.322 00.328 22.5x
16 08.531 00.961 00.856 00.329 00.335 25.5x
17 09.712 00.949 00.843 00.334 00.341 28.5x
18 09.321 00.939 00.834 00.339 00.347 26.8x
19 11.102 01.039 00.929 00.358 00.370 30.0x
20 13.069 01.084 00.976 00.378 00.382 34.2x
21 14.429 01.125 01.013 00.392 00.394 36.6x
22 16.070 01.138 01.030 00.405 00.406 39.5x
23 18.375 01.156 01.058 00.413 00.418 44.0x
24 19.613 01.157 01.071 00.422 00.427 45.9x
25 21.289 01.183 01.087 00.432 00.432 49.3x
26 22.978 01.192 01.097 00.434 00.439 52.4x
27 24.526 01.207 01.099 00.434 00.433 56.6x
28 25.963 01.198 01.103 00.425 00.442 58.7x
29 28.605 01.209 01.118 00.428 00.446 64.1x
30 31.097 01.217 01.124 00.431 00.449 69.3x
31 32.949 01.237 01.139 00.735 00.636 51.8x
32 34.603 01.219 01.138 00.733 00.633 54.7x
33 35.858 01.246 01.139 00.729 00.637 56.3x
34 37.469 01.244 01.139 00.733 00.641 58.5x
35 38.559 01.245 01.146 00.729 00.643 60.0x
36 40.351 01.257 01.155 00.731 00.640 63.1x
37 39.076 01.273 01.172 00.735 00.644 60.6x
38 39.487 01.266 01.183 00.737 00.649 60.9x
39 40.607 01.285 01.176 00.742 00.650 62.5x
40 41.691 01.288 01.185 00.742 00.653 63.9x
41 42.101 01.275 01.182 00.743 00.651 64.6x
42 42.200 01.295 01.200 00.749 00.653 64.6x
43 42.957 01.287 01.207 00.750 00.655 65.5x
44 43.713 01.290 01.205 00.751 00.659 66.4x
45 45.977 01.301 01.207 00.753 00.661 69.5x
46 45.250 01.306 01.210 00.757 00.667 67.9x
47 46.079 01.297 01.216 00.759 00.663 69.5x
48 47.958 01.308 01.217 00.764 00.667 71.9x
49 47.339 01.299 01.216 00.765 00.671 70.5x
50 50.446 01.306 01.213 00.765 00.672 75.1x
51 50.691 01.306 01.216 00.768 00.676 75.0x
52 51.344 01.317 01.226 00.770 00.683 75.1x
53 51.757 01.308 01.221 00.780 00.683 75.8x
54 52.389 01.309 01.236 00.788 00.682 76.8x
55 55.402 01.324 01.234 00.794 00.689 80.4x
56 58.415 01.347 01.237 00.797 00.693 84.3x
57 60.048 01.340 01.256 00.803 00.697 86.2x
58 61.238 01.344 01.259 00.807 00.700 87.5x
59 62.692 01.354 01.258 00.812 00.705 88.9x
60 65.080 01.374 01.268 00.813 00.709 91.8x
61 64.910 01.353 01.270 00.823 00.717 90.5x
62 65.799 01.363 01.278 00.827 00.717 91.7x
63 67.791 01.393 01.281 00.832 00.722 93.9x
64 69.838 01.393 01.281 00.845 00.726 96.1x
65 71.856 01.373 01.277 00.852 00.734 97.9x
66 71.945 01.384 01.294 00.854 00.742 97.0x
67 74.701 01.395 01.290 00.859 00.744 100.4x
68 76.361 01.407 01.321 00.864 00.754 101.2x
69 75.769 01.427 01.308 00.874 00.761 99.6x
70 76.516 01.448 01.317 00.887 00.766 99.9x
71 79.262 01.486 01.389 00.922 00.799 99.1x
72 81.466 01.531 01.446 00.967 00.832 97.9x

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@Laurae2, As I understand, this code can't be executed in parallel for, because each iteration here - building of one note, and it has dependencies. For example, you can't start building of 2-level nodes, when the root is not built.

#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nthread) schedule(dynamic)
  for (int i = 0; i < num_instance_set; ++i) {
    hist_builder.BuildHist(gpair, instance_set[i], gmat, &histogram[i]);

Building of tree can be parallelized by nodes (and should be). However, efficient implementation of it in real code will be much harder.

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hcho3 commented Nov 19, 2018

@Laurae2 @SmirnovEgorRu I really appreciate the work you have done so far. I've been lately extremely busy with work at my organization. Will get back to it in a week. We should discuss how the improvement can be merged into main XGBoost codebase.

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Laurae2 commented Nov 19, 2018

@SmirnovEgorRu If I understand correctly what you said:

  • The outer loop (in is building all nodes?
  • The inner loop (in is building one specific node?
  • Each node is dependent to the previous nodes?

I was suspecting this but Intel Advisor contradicted myself by saying there were no dependency in the loop..

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@Laurae2 perhaps it would help to look at the original codebase:

This update is done from which proceeds to call BuildHist which in turn calls BuildBlockHist or BuildHist which is what we are focusing on.

As you will see (as far as I can tell) the only parallel code is in BuildHist, where the histogram building is parallel over the number of data points, and a parallel reduction after that.

I'm more familiar with other builders (updater_histmaker in particular) but this one seems similar. At the beginning of the iteration we assign each data point to a single tree leaf. When we create the histograms we aggregate them per leaf, i.e. each leaf will have one collection of histograms, one per feature.

When we parallelize over data points, we first retrieve the leaf id of the data point, I think that's what row_indices does in, then use that index to update the corresponding histogram set.

Not sure how to interpret the num_instance_set in this repo, maybe it's a way of calculating the histograms in a blocked way? Perhaps @hcho3 can help when he has more time.

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Really interesting work @Laurae2

As per my comment in #15 I think the summation must be in doubles otherwise the accuracy significantly falls off on larger data sets.

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