Fix typos and root references. [hursmanA]
Add rendering partials in haml. [chrisjlee]
Spelling complement and made designer non gender specific. [growdigital]
Fix routing priority on directory index. [HondaDai]
Add url= to work better across browsers. Closes #102. [wazery]
Add printing WEBrick info on server start. Closes #107. [wazery]
Fix a simple typo ‘styleheets’ to ‘stylesheets’. Closes #108. [wazery]
Drop support for Ruby 1.8.7. [wazery]
Add support for Ruby 2.2.2. [wazery]
Use TryStatic in config.ru to serve HTML from public directory of structured projects. [ntalbott]
Respect default Sass load paths [ntalbott]
Upgrade gems to use the latest versions [revans]
Remove deprecated memoize usage [ntalbott]
Add experimental support for handler pipelining. This makes it possible to chain handlers with file extensions like index.markdown.erb. [ntalbott]
Miscellaneous fixes.
Include .empty file in Gem for “blank” template. Closes #42. [jlong]
Include .htaccess file in Gem for “default” template. [jlong]
Integrated bundler into config.ru and added a default Gemfile. [jlong]
Added new –template option which allows you to specify a project template when creating a new project. [jlong]
Made Textile partials work. Closes #29. [rmetzler, jlong]
Fixed problem with export that caused filenames with underscore to be excluded. [bmaland]
Updated generated config.ru to require Sass. Closes #20. [jlong]
Updated project README and other files to be more friendly to new users [jlong]
Changed Sass directory name to “stylesheets” to be more consistent with Rails. [jlong]
Modified redirects so that only the last line is interpreted as the URL, everything else is ignored. This is useful for adding a comment at the beginning of the file. [jlong]
Modified params helper to work with POST params in addition to GET. Closes #19. [jlong]
Added an export command which allows you to convert a Serve site to static HTML. Closes #10. [jlong]
Fix: Allow create command to work without Git. Closes #24. [jlong]
Add javascript and stylesheet include helpers [zaeleus]
Use latest versions of dependencies [jlong]
Added support for locals in partials [heikki]
Added limited support for Radius [jlong]
Added support for LESS [jlong]
Added support for ERubis [jlong]
Rewrote the way that Serve resolves file names [jlong]
Incorporated Tilt so that other template languages can be added with ease. [jlong]
Added limited support for Slim [fleadope, jlong]
Various tweaks and fixes [jlong]
Added ‘serve convert` command for converting Compass projects. [revans]
Added ‘serve create` command for bootstrapping projects. See README for details. Yay! [revans]
Added option to use Thin if Mongrel isn’t installed [benatkin]
Use latest version of Rack
Use Mongrel instead of Webrick by default
Support for activesupport 3.x [railsjedi]
Add support for static asset processing (HTML, XML, etc..); directories with index.html files should now resolve. Yay! [jlong]
fixed image helper [jlong]
Check for config.ru and use the ‘rackup` command instead if present.
Add dependency on Rack to gemspec [jlong]
Added support for Ruby 1.9 [jlong]
Refactored to use Rack internally [jlong]
Changed render helper to support passing the name of the partial as the first parameter to match the new Rails syntax [jlong]
Added additional view helpers for escaping content, access to params and flash, and creating tags in code [jlong]
Added handling for SCSS files with HAML/SASS 3.0 [nathany]
Added additional view helper methods and harmonized the API a bit [aiwilliams]
Added support for using Serve as a Rails plugin [aiwilliams]
Added support for rack [ntalbott]
Dropped Hoe and Newgem in favor of Jeweler [jlong]
Updated to work with Haml 2.0.3. [jlong]
Fixed ERB partial support. [jlong]
Added support for content_for blocks in ERB. [jlong]
Added experimental support for ERB layouts. [Lawjoskar]
Added experimental support for view helpers. [aiwilliams]
Added limited support for ERB. Layouts are not yet supported. [jlong]
Changed default port to 4000 so that serve plays nicely with Rails apps.
Rearranged source.
Added support for rendering other files with the following syntax:
render :template => “template_name”
Small fix for calculating the partial name in render_partial.
Added support for layouts and partials for HAML documents.
Added support for redirects.
Added basic support for email mockups.
Updated description and help text.
Initial release