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Command Line Usage

Here we use a real example to demonstrate how to use xLearn by command line. Make sure that you have already installed the executable file (xlearn_train and xlearn_predict) successfully. See this page for installation.

The training data - small_train.txt and testing data - small_test.txt (in the root directory of your xlearn build package) is a portion of the whole data of criteo ctr prediction challenge in kaggle.

Data format

For now, xLearn can support three data format, including libsvm, libffm, and csv.

libsvm : 
   y1 idx:value idx:value ...
   y2 idx:value idx:value ...

   y1 field:idx:value field:idx:value ...
   y2 field:idx:value field:idx:value ...

   feat_1 feat_2 feat_3 ... feat_n y1
   feat_1 feat_2 feat_3 ... feat_n y2

Note that the CSV format can only be used in linear amd fm model. For ffm, users need to convert their data to libffm format. Also, when using csv, users need to add a dummy y at the end of the test data in every line.

Quck start

We can use xlearn_train to train our model. Usage:

./xlearn_train train_data [OPTIONS]

For example:

./xlearn_train ./small_train.txt -s 2

Choose machine learning model

We use -s to specify the machine learning model we want. Here we use ffm.

-s : Type of machine learning model (default 0)
     for classification task:
         0 -- linear model (GLM)
         1 -- factorization machines (FM)
         2 -- field-aware factorization machines (FFM)
     for regression task:
         3 -- linear model (GLM)
         4 -- factorization machines (FM)
         5 -- field-aware factorization machines (FFM)

Set validation

We can also use -v to specify the validation data, for example:

./xlearn_train ./small_train.txt -s 2 -v ./small_test.txt


On default, xlearn adopts early-stopping when we set the validation data. You can disable early-stopping by using option --dis-es, for example:

./xlearn_train ./small_train.txt -s 2 -v ./small_test.txt --dis-es

Evaluation metric

Also, we can set specify evaluation metric by using -x option. For example:

./xlearn_train ./small_train.txt -s 2 -v ./small_test.txt -x auc

where xlearn will print the AUC value. xLearn support a set evaluation metric, including:


Learning rate

You can set the learning rate by using -r option. On default, the learning rate is 0.2.

./xlearn_train ./small_train.txt -s 2 -v ./small_test.txt -r 0.1

Regular lambda

You can set the regular lambda by using -b option. On default, this option is set to 0.0002.

./xlearn_train ./small_train.txt -s 2 -v ./small_test.txt -b 0.001

Number of latent factor (K)

For fm and ffm tasks, users can set the size of latent factor. On default this option is set to 4.

./xlearn_train ./small_train.txt -s 2 -v ./small_test.txt -k 8

Number of epoch

We set the number of epoch by using -e option, for example:

./xlearn_train ./small_train.txt -s 2 -v ./small_test.txt -e 15


We can use cross-validation in xLearn by setting the --cv option, for example:

./xlearn_train ./small_train.txt -s 2 --cv

On default, we use 5-fold cross-validation. We can also the fold number by using -f option. For example:

./xlearn_train ./small_train.txt -s 2 -f 3 --cv

Lock free learning

On default, xLearn uses lock-free training (like Hogwild!). So when run our problem multiple times, the result could be non-deterministic. If you want to get a deterministic result, we can disable lock-free training by setting --dis-lock-free option.


On default, xLearn uses instance-wise normalization. You can disable this normalization by setting option --dis-norm

Quite training

We can set --quiet option to disable any evaluation output.

Model scale

Model scale is hyper-parameter used for initialize model parameters. The default value is 0.66 and we can change this value by using -u option.

Model output

You can also specify your output file for trainned model by using -m. If you don't set this option, xlearn we dump the model to the file small_train.txt.model by default.

./xlearn_train ./small_train.txt -s 2 -v ./small_test.txt -m ./model.out


Now you can perform prediction on the trainned model. For example:

./xlearn_predict ./small_test.txt ./small_train.txt.model

Set log

You can specify the path of your log path by using -l option. On default, xlearn will save the log information in /tmp/

Help menu

You can type ./xlearn_train, and then xlearn will print the complete command line usage formation:

     xlearn_train <train_file_path> [OPTIONS]

 e.g.,  xlearn_train train_data.txt -s 0 -v validate_data.txt -r 0.1

  -s <type> : Type of machine learning model (default 0)
     for classification task:
         0 -- linear model (GLM)
         1 -- factorization machines (FM)
         2 -- field-aware factorization machines (FFM)
     for regression task:
         3 -- linear model (GLM)
         4 -- factorization machines (FM)
         5 -- field-aware factorization machines (FFM)

  -x <metric>          :  The metric can be 'acc', 'prec', 'recall', 'f1' (classification), and 'mae',
                          'mape', 'rmsd (rmse)' (regression). xLearn uses the Accuracy (acc) by default.
                          If we set this option to 'none', xLearn will not print any metric information.

  -v <validate_file>   :  Path of the validation data file. This option will be empty by default,
                          and in this way, the xLearn will not perform validation.

  -m <model_file>      :  Path of the model checkpoint file. On default, the model file name will be.
                          set to 'train_file' + '.model'. If we set this value to 'none', the xLearn will
                          not dump the model checkpoint after training.

  -l <log_file>        :  Path of the log file. Using '/tmp/xlearn_log/' by default.

  -k <number_of_K>     :  Number of the latent factor used by fm and ffm tasks. Using 4 by default.
                          Note that, we will get the same model size when setting k to 1 and 4.
                          This is because we use SSE instruction and the memory need to be aligned.
                          So even you assign k = 1, we still fill some dummy zeros from k = 2 to 4.

  -r <learning_rate>   :  Learning rate for stochastic gradient descent. Using 0.2 by default.
                          xLearn uses adaptive gradient descent (AdaGrad) for optimization problem,
                          and the learning rate will be changed adaptively.

  -b <lambda_for_regu> :  Lambda for L2 regular. Using 0.00002 by default. We can disable the
                          regular term by setting this value to 0.0

  -u <model_scale>     :  Hyper parameter used for initialize model parameters.
                          Using 0.66 by default.

  -e <epoch_number>    :  Number of epoch for training. Using 10 by default. Note that, xLearn will
                          perform early-stopping by default, so this value is just a upper bound.

  -f <fold_number>     :  Number of folds for cross-validation. Using 5 by default.

  --disk               :  Open on-disk training for large-scale machine learning problems.

  --cv                 :  Open cross-validation in training tasks. If we use this option, xLearn
                          will ignore the validation file (-t).

  --dis-lock-free      :  Disable lock-free training. Lock-free training can accelerate training but
                          the result is non-deterministic. Our suggestion is that you can open this flag
                          if the training data is big and sparse.

  --dis-es             :  Disable early-stopping in training. By default, xLearn will use early-stopping
                          in training tasks, except for training in cross-validation.

  --no-norm            :  Disable instance-wise normalization. By default, xLearn will use
                          instance-wise normalization for both training and prediction.

  --quiet              :  Don't print any evaluation information during the training and
                          just train the model quietly.