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Luís Rita edited this page May 21, 2019 · 5 revisions


[15/02/18 - 15/09/18] Theoretical preparation;

[05/10/18] 1st EIT Health Students Workshop for Master of Technological Innovation in Health (Madrid, Spain). As a Master of Technological Innovation in Health student, I was invited to present a poster about my Master Thesis and to talk about my past academic achievements. During my speech, I was still able to suggest new ways of improving this European program, powered by EIT Health (a body of the EU). Bursary awarded;

[30/11/18 - 02/12/18] Antimicrobial Resistance Hackathon 2018 (Heidelberg, Germany). I was selected to participate in a 3-day Antimicrobial Resistance Hackathon organized by EIT Health Germany. At the beginning, we were divided in teams of 6/7 elements that would proceed to an AMR analysis of a different EU country. Bursary awarded;

[21/12/18] Louvain algorithm implemented;

[13/01/19] Label Propagation, Weighted Label Propagation and Layered Label Propagation algorithms implemented;

[16/01/19] Infomap algorithm implemented;

[17/01/19] Improved code readability;

[18/01/19] Added compressed algorithms (for enhanced performance) - Credits to UglifyJS 3;

[19/01/19] Increased code robustness;

[21/01/19] Testing algorithms with big data (1) - Credits to SNAP;

[02/02/19] Implemented D3.js (using Canvas and SVG) and Cytoscape.js interface. App deployed to a web server - Credits to Heroku;

[04/02/19] Louvain algorithm bug corrected. Enhanced interface. User is now able to provide input of several parameters;

[12/02/19] Implemented 1 algorithm that generate Girvan-Newman synthetic network;

[19/02/19] Image of thesis app uploaded to Docker Hub repo. Link between GitHub and Docker Hub established;

[24/02/19] First results were obtained applying different benchmarking techniques;

[01/03/19 - 03/03/19] IMIM Industry & Innovation Day (Mannheim, Germany). Poster presentation of master thesis to IMIM students (Heidelberg University, University Medical Center Groningen and Uppsala University students) and industry representatives (Roche, Merck, GeneWerk, EIT Health, Velabs, Cellzome,, EMBL...). Visit to Cubex 41 (start-up innovative center) was also included. Bursary awarded;

[02/03/19] GN benchmark network algorithm corrected. It now accepts different mixing parameters and node degrees. JSON Zachary's karate club network created;

[06/03/19] Thesis document improved. GN benchmark network algorithm - performance optimized. New features in the web tool;

[08/03/19] Added benchmark data;

[12/03/19] Added C++ code that generates Lancichinetti-Fortunato-Radicchi synthetic networks. Credits to Santo Fortunato;

[13/03/19] Started PHYLOViZ integration;

[14/03/19] C++ code (Lancichinetti-Fortunato-Radicchi network generator) running in JavaScript. Credits to emscripten;

[14/03/19 - 15/03/19] VII AEICBAS Biomedical Congress (Porto, Portugal). Master thesis was classified in the top 20 in the scientific competition. This contest aimed to gather the best theses from the biomedical field;

[18/03/19] Staphylococcus analysis started;

[20/03/19] Website performance strongly optimized. Credits to Pingdom;

[21/03/19] Website performance optimized. Phylogenetic data analysis almost concluded;

[25/03/19] Phylogenetic data analysis improved. Results visualization working as intended;

[23/04/19] Extended abstract; Thesis;

[15/05/19 - 15/07/19] Internship in INSA (Department of Infectious Diseases).

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