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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Andreas Pasalimaniotis AndreasPas
Senior Machine Learning Engineer

MRP Dublin, Ireland

Joan Carballo Cabanes joancarballo
🦖 Si no es divertido, no vale la pena. 🚀 Frontend Developer at Intelygenz thanks to 👨‍🎓 @ironhack Madrid 2019 - 2020 🦠 ✅ ▶️

@Intelygenz Madrid

Pablo Hinojosa Pablohn26
Changing the world while working at [your company]


Whitney whitneywilkes

VASS IT Denver, CO

Alejandro Aceituna Cano aacecandev Madrid, Spain

João Paulo Carvalho joaopaulomoreira
IT analyst and software engineering student from Bahia. Curious, evangelist for innovation and IT education.

Salvador | BA, Brasil

Luis Mesas luismesas

Intelygenz San Francisco, California