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Lab 2

Task 1

Update your Ansible inventory file from the lab 1 and add the web_servers group. It should contain the single host -- your VM from your page. Example:

elvis-1  ansible_host=... ansible_port=... ansible_user=...


Update the infra.yaml playbook and a single play named Web server. This will set up a web server on your managed host.

This play should run on every hosts from web_servers group:

hosts: web_servers

Note: Ansible logs in to your managed host as unprivileged user ubuntu but most of the following tasks require privilege escalation (should be run as root). Easiest way to achieve that is to set the become property in the play:

become: yes

See also:

Note: you may delete the play Ansible connection test from the lab 1. We don't need it anymore.

Task 2

Create an Ansible role named users that adds two more Linux users on your managed host and enables SSH user key based authentication for them:

  • juri (GitHub username: hudolejev)
  • roman (GitHub username: romankuchin)

Update the infra.yaml playbook to apply this role to all your web servers. Use existing play Web server; don't add a new one.

Check out the documentation of these Ansible modules to find out how to do it:

Self check:

Self check here can be done manually, you don't have to use Ansible for that. File content can be printed using cat or less commands.

Task 3

Create an Ansible role named nginx that installs and configures Nginx web server. Use Ansible module apt for that, and find the exact package name in the Ubutnu package repository: (in search form select distribution focal).

Update the infra.yaml playbook to apply this role to all your web servers. Use existing play Web server; don't add a new one.

Do not change the port Nginx is listening on! By default it's 80, and custom port in your public URL is already set up to forward to port 80 on your managed host.

Self check:

Task 4

Replace default Nginx index page with a custom one.

First, find out where is the HTML directory located on server. This information can be found in one of the Nginx configuration files in the /etc/nginx/sites-enabled directory -- search the files there for root directive. Hint: its value starts with /var/....

Note: you can check these files manually using cat or less; you don't have to use Ansible for that.

Then, use Ansible module copy to replace the default HTML page with this one; replace VM_NAME with your VM name.

Your Ansible task will look similar to this:

name: Index page
  src: index.html
  dest: <some-path>/index.html

Replace <some-path> with the exact location of the Nginx HTML directory that you've found in the Nginx configuration files.

Self check:

Expected result

Your repository contains these files:

  • ansible.cfg
  • hosts
  • infra.yaml
  • roles/nginx/files/index.html
  • roles/nginx/tasks/main.yaml
  • roles/users/tasks/main.yaml

Nginx is installed and configured on empty machine by running exactly this command exactly once:

ansible-playbook infra.yaml

Users juri and roman can SSH to that machine using their SSH keys.

Running the same command again does not make any changes on managed host.

Custom web page that you have uploaded on managed host is served on your public URL.