3.0.0 (2017-04-07)
3.0.0 (2017-04-07)
2.2.0 (2017-04-06)
- http: clean options only event specify (78463b7)
2.2.0 (2017-04-06)
- http: clean options only event specify (78463b7)
2.1.0 (2017-04-06)
1.1.0 (2017-04-04)
- events: override Http Angular to fixed conflicts events (1949817)
- http: implements subscribe onPreRequest() (d0306c7)
- plugins: set plugin options (7c184e6)
1.1.0 (2017-04-04)
- events: override Http Angular to fixed conflicts events (1949817)
- http: implements subscribe onPreRequest() (d0306c7)
- plugins: set plugin options (7c184e6)
1.0.1 (2017-02-01)
- http: adjust variables not used (638ee1b)
- exception: new constructor parameter (response) (699ad8c)
1.0.1 (2017-02-01)
- http: adjust variables not used (638ee1b)
- exception: new constructor parameter (response) (699ad8c)
1.0.0 (2017-01-14)
- http: adjust variables not used (638ee1b)
0.0.34 (2017-01-04)
- http: clean options postRequest and postRequestError (ffb2992)
- http: fix return observable with mapper (837434f)
- http: initialize queue requests (6f1700e)
- xhrBackend: observable error after events (6a937eb)
- xhrBackend: run dispatch error before subscribe postRequest and postRequestError (cad77aa)
- xhrBackend: run postRequest and postRequestError in case not catch error (385531a)
- http: allow enable throwsExceptions plugins (5f57ff6)
- http: extends HttpException class base Error (9aea158)
- http: implementation retry last request (99d8393)
- http: retry request by id (226a598)
- http: return params last request (5c6f02a)
- http: skip throw exception by plugin and restore options plugins (045e2eb)
- http: skip throwException plugin (d339736)
- httpException: refactor exception (b753c87)
- plugins: implmentation callback to exception plugin (df7195f)
- plugins: set options all plugins (0c6328d)
0.0.32 (2016-12-12)
- module: export module Events (6da9f56)
- xhrBackend: apply commit https://github.com/angular/angular/commit/1d53a870dd6efa618e86d8040c9af84b11b8cc64 (34c7d11)
- xhrBackend: apply commit https://github.com/angular/angular/commit/94b8612e4eb39100b723ea4457f60d9d2d1e5be6 (2a7ac45)
- xhrBackend: apply commit https://github.com/angular/angular/commit/986abbe0b2ca0e33078db114637505996fa70bd7 (97b76e8)
- xhrBackend: apply commit https://github.com/angular/angular/commit/a0c58a6b5ca7e7f444ce778bdcb2bd3355f87ada (c2bcb9d)
- http: add plugin options default (2e7f014)
- http: add return requestFactory (f07279b)
- http: add setOptions() to request (d93f662)
- http: check if id exists in metadata (7d4759e)
- http: Configurações globais para o ResponseOptions (8ac05a0)
- http: defaultOptions and defaultRequestOptions how configuration (bcdb648)
- http: merge of default options in case the urlResolver is not configured (1173dd8)
- http: refactor use HttpEvents (9bcc6b4)
- http: rename method setDefaultOptions() to setDefaultRequestOptions() (fdc98a3)
- http: rename responseOptions to options (ab149ac)
- http: validate setOptions plugin (9dbdaba)
- Http: Adicionada interface para passar opções de response (ResponseOptions) na request (b950984)
- Http: Método 'request' que retorna Promise (2846660)
- Http: Possibilidade de aplicar 'timout' nas requisições (65d0cdc)
- Http: Possibilidade de passar um objeto com os parametros no método 'request' (0ccf0d8)
- module: add default request and response to initialize() (0d9a371)
- module: export interface options (c8dfbc3)
- plugin: add plugin base (e3843b4)
- plugin: fix problem assign properties this typescript (72963aa)
- xhrBackend: post request run after success and error (09f685c)
0.0.31 (2016-11-30)
- devOps: publish only tag nightly (213f75d)
- model: fix return jsonpath ModelSimple (c01385f)
- model: fix return jsonpath ModelSimple (3b5e6a9)
- model: import package jsonpath temp because bug dchester/jsonpath#46 (4eb31f2)
- model: model transform data (51091a1)
- model: rename property rootProperty by path to use jsonpath (7bd89a7)
- model: typo convert jsonpath (2eda28e)
- model: use package @ramonornela/jsonpath temp, because of the bug dchester/jsonpath#47 (d3419a6)
- package: peerDeps url-resolver 0.0.20 (5722561)
- package: typo (1007b3d)
- package: typo (6c4fad3)
- queue: override to add plugin with priority equal (3275d40)
- http: add mapper to methods post/get/head/patch/post/put (dc7e0cd)
- http: add method to catch listeners of xhr_backend (110c1f2)
- mapper: add return return transform (26c7c66)
- model: add model multiplel (8dc3ab8)
- model: add transform model collection (10fc2e1)
- model: validate data type models collection and simple (81bccc6)
- models: delete rotine internal to using package jsonpath (13ff95d)
- plugins: add returns to methods (dab3249)
- queue: implements remove plugin (1b717d6)
- queue: implements set plugins (3ad937b)
- response: implements transform response object model (7f9e8f1)
0.0.30 (2016-11-18)
- module: compile ngc create const with DefaultPlugins (7f17f6e)
0.0.29 (2016-11-18)
- module: simplify initialization plugins (be957d3)
0.0.28 (2016-11-15)
- validate called setDefaultOptions (bc521f1)
0.0.27 (2016-11-15)
- http: case url is not string call HttpAngular.request() with options (a1a47a1)
- http: implements method to simpplify request called http request method get/put/delete/post/head/patch (a00989b)
0.0.26 (2016-11-13)
- add Http.setDefaultOptions() (9df1754)