The Shaka Lab Recommended Settings package provides recommended OS settings for a Shaka Lab environment.
This is the Linux package.
curl -L | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/shaka-lab.asc
echo deb stable main | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/shaka-lab.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y shaka-lab-recommended-settings
sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade
sudo apt remove -y shaka-lab-recommended-settings
Dependencies installed with this package:
- aptitude (console apt frontend)
- arping (network debugging tool)
- debconf-utils (debian configuration tools)
- dialog (console configuration dialogs for packages)
- net-tools (more network debugging tools)
- openssh-server (SSH server)
- plocate (file search tool)
- smartmontools (disk monitoring tools)
- tcpdump (network debugging/sniffing tool)
- vim (text editor)
Settings configured automatically by this package:
- Configure SSH server:
- Disable root login
- Enable port-forwarding
- Disable prompting for service restarts, always restart affected services
- Configure additional apt repositories to install major browsers
- Prefer Mozila PPA for Firefox over Ubuntu snap package