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Releases: tloncorp/tlon-apps


18 Sep 16:18
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Over-the-air (OTA) update to %groups and %talk. This release lets you customize notifications, improves the Gallery posting interface, and adds quick actions for mobile users.

Desk hashes:

%groups 0v8.ki1qn.pvpsb.5v4kp.p27j8.lm94t.s8qi1.haf8b.rg7fs.r4re5.a3esd
%talk 0v14.93q5q.dn0g6.fhahs.de0f7.rs6md.43dnl.uafsl.nspq3.adnjj.e7egt

What's new

  • Adds global, per-channel, and per-group notification settings.
    • Set your global notification preference for Groups to receive notifications for all new posts in all groups and channels, only for replies and mentions (the current default), or nothing at all.
    • Set your notification preference for a single group to receive notifications for all new posts in the group, only for replies and mentions (the current default), or nothing at all.
    • Set your notification preference for a single channel to receive notifications for all new posts in the channel, only for replies and mentions (the current default), or nothing at all.
    • These settings intersect with one another, so it's possible to mute notifications for the entire app and turn them on for a single channel (for instance).
  • Adds a long-tap action on chat messages on mobile to show who has reacted to a message.
  • Adds a new posting interface for Galleries. Simply type into the field to create a text block, paste a link to create a link block, paste a reference to a piece of Groups content embed it, or drag an image to upload and post an image block.
  • Adds a long-tap action for DMs in the Messages list on mobile.
  • Adds a Members list to groups on mobile.
  • Adds support for Markdown checkboxes in Notebooks.
  • Improves the appearance of embedded references in Chat threads.
  • Fixes an issue where leaving a group, being kicked from a channel, or an admin deleting a channel wouldn't unsubscribe you from all the channels. This resulted in un-clearable blue unread dots on currently-active groups and receiving mention notifications from groups you've left.
  • Fixes an issue where users without adequate permissions could create Notebook posts with a manual poke.
  • Fixes an issue where links to images would be rendered in code blocks in chat messages.
  • Fixes an issue in Galleries where loading references to other groups would slow the view down to a halt.
  • Fixes an issue where deleting a Gallery item in a channel not hosted on your ship was impossible.
  • Fixes an issue where clicking into a Gallery item would load the item again.
  • Fixes an issue where reacting to a DM was impossible on mobile.
  • Fixes an issue where Galleries and Notebooks would be marked as read on an infinite loop.
  • Fixes an issue in Notebooks where the comment icon was invisible in dark mode.
  • Fixes an issue in Notebooks where the "Edit" button would still appear even if the host is offline, which resulted in a crashing error.
  • Fixes an issue where channel section names were impossible to edit.
  • Fixes several issues where Groups would fail to load data from %settings.


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.4.1...v4.5.0


24 Aug 19:12
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Over-the-air hotfix release for %groups and %talk. This release fixes emoji reactions, re-enables right-click in Chat, improves long-tap on mobile, and fixes Gallery menus.

What's new

  • Fixes an issue where emoji reactions would not be applied to Chat messages.
  • Fixes an issue that blocked right-clicks on Chat messages.
  • Fixes an issue where the context menu of Gallery items was impossible to open.
  • Fixes an issue where role tags in a Chat thread sidebar would overscroll and cause some flickering on desktop.
  • Improves the long-press action on Chat messages on mobile.
  • Adds support for .MOV, .MP4, and .OGV uploads in Chat.
  • Adds connection status to Group and Channel action menus on mobile (tap the group/channel name in the header).

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.4.0...v4.4.1


21 Aug 17:50
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Over-the-air update for %groups and %talk. This release makes significant improvements to Galleries, mobile navigation, menu usability, and embedded media appearances.

Desk hashes:

%groups 0v1f.n4suu.ra8i7.kkqfm.s3hhg.4tk92.jb8mo.pupre.bfkf9.rrrke.hklsr
%talk 0vs.0qqke.88bls.ndaoh.vls23.h49bn.0qd9t.mc0kf.srr23.0ivm6.uku1l

What's new

  • Adds a new “Activity” view on mobile which segments out all notifications, invitations to groups, and threaded replies into separate tabs. 
  • Adds a long-press menu in DMs and Chat channels on mobile for you to react, reply, start a thread, or delete a message. The hover-menu on the desktop is unchanged.
  • Improves Galleries with a near-complete front-end overhaul. Loading, posting, navigating, commenting, and deleting are all much speedier and more reliable.
  • Improves mobile navigation at the top and bottom of each screen.
  • Improves mobile menu usability by converting all dropdown controls into easily-tappable menus.
  • Improves the "Options" menu on mobile by combining the Profile view and Settings menu.
  • Improves app Settings on mobile by displaying controls full-screen, rather than in a modal dialog.
  • Improves the appearance of YouTube embeds in Gallery details.
  • Improves tweet embeds in Chat logs and Gallery details.
  • Improves the maximum displayed image height in Chat messages.
  • Improves invite link generation by making the fetching status and errors more visible.
  • Fixes a bug where joining a group on mobile would lead to a screen with a spinner and no way to get back.
  • Fixes a bug where adding an emoji reaction in a Chat thread was impossible on mobile.
  • Fixes a bug where scrolling a deleted tweet into view would crash the app.
  • Fixes a bug where embedded tweets linked from would fail to render.
  • Fixes a bug where the “Drop Attachments Here” overlay in the Chat message input would get stuck and prevent text input.


Full Changelog: v4.3.0...v4.4.0


09 Aug 13:54
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Over-the-air update for %groups and %talk. This release streamlines the Lure invitation flow by automatically joining them to the group they were invited to once they open the Groups app.

What's new

  • Removes the need for users invited to a group via Lure links to accept the invitation
  • Adds drag-and-drop targets for Chat and Gallery inputs
  • Improves the reliability of generating and fetching Lure links
  • Improves the display of YouTube videos in Gallery detail views
  • Adjusts the "Wait a sec" message shown when joining a group
  • Removes channel meta-activity notices ("Channel X was edited")
  • Fixes an issue where DMing yourself would crash your ship
  • Fixes an issue where editing a Notebook post authored in Markdown would crash
  • Fixes an issue that prevented commenting on Notebook posts
  • Fixes an issue that prevented creating new Notebook posts in a channel you host


Full Changelog: v4.2.0...v4.3.0


06 Aug 02:32
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Over-the-air hotfix for %groups and %talk. This hotfix reverts a breaking API change to the %groups scry endpoints /init, /groups, /groups/light which changed the types they returned. Instead we've added new endpoints corresponding to each with v0 appended to represent the new version. Consequently new marks have been added groups-ui and ui-init-0 to support the new endpoints and types. This restores previous functionality that relied upon the old types at those endpoints.

The full changes can be seen in this PR: #2760

Full Changelog: v4.2.0...v4.2.1


01 Aug 20:40
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Over-the-air update for %groups and %talk. This release adds Markdown support to Notebooks, connectivity indicators for other ships on the network, guards for version compatibility between members and channel hosts, and the ability to pin and arrange Notebook posts.

Desk hashes:

%groups 0vh.d1sn1.lfe23.7fggp.a5jr7.secr5.ibgnp.tp99f.ja9lg.p141b.hmcrf
%talk 0vg.pc5ce.707ju.hc7bu.i6rmt.2bia3.gbt8o.uq557.iatql.o57rd.i54kh

What's new

  • Adds Markdown editing to Notebooks. Compose entirely in Markdown, in the rich text editor, or flip between the two to check your work.
    • Supports images as single-line block elements using standard ![description](url) syntax.
    • Supports syntax-highlighted code blocks using standard triple-tick + language fencing.
    • Supports references to other Groups content by pasting a reference URL (/1/chan/diary/~nibset-napwyn/getting-started/note/170141184506311843744551858888740175872) as a single element in an otherwise blank paragraph.
  • Adds connectivity indicators to illustrate connection status to other ships on the Urbit network. 
    • Connection indicators appear in channel headers, profiles, Discover search results, DMs, and Group Settings if you administer a group you do not host. 
    • We check that your ship can |hi your sponsor, your galaxy, the other ship's galaxy, the other ship's sponsor, and finally, the other ship itself. 
    • The indicator is yellow during this check turns yellow. 
    • If the other ship is determined to be unreachable, the indicator turns gray. 
    • If you can communicate with the other ship, the indicator turns green.
  • Adds indicators to the UI to show if you have received an incompatible over-the-air update to Groups or Talk before the channel host (or vice-versa).
    • If you are running a version ahead or behind the group host, in some cases, you may be sending messages the group host does not understand. We warn you of this to prevent you from losing messages.
  • Adds the ability to pin and rearrange Notebook posts in the index view to support custom ordering.
  • Adds a unique identifier for those who have opted in to Groups activity tracking to provide cross-device analytics. You can reset your tracking ID in the Groups app settings.
  • Improves the appearance of references in Galleries in Grid and List views.
  • Improves the appearance of Group Settings, About, Invite, and App Settings interfaces on mobile.
  • Improves Lure invitation links by enabling auto-join on signup.
  • Fixes an issue where pressing the left or right arrow keys would navigate to the previous or next Gallery item while commenting in the detail view.
  • Fixes an issue where composing a comment on a Gallery item exceeding 5 lines of text would cause the page to scroll unsightly.
  • Fixes an issue where saving a Notebook post while the channel host is unreachable would cache it on the front-end, but throw an error when attempting to navigate to it from the channel index.
  • Fixes an issue where a Chat message actions would be inaccessible if the message was lengthy enough to scroll the actions off the screen.
  • Fixes an issue where entering lots of text in the main Chat input would squish the thread pane if open on desktop.
  • Fixes an issue where the actions menu in the Groups sidebar would rapidly flicker when opened.
  • Fixes an issue where Groups would throw errors about missing data in the sidebar (title, description, flag, others).
  • Fixes an issue where the role selection menu would be cut off by the edges of the parent group Settings modal.
  • Fixes an issue where members of a group could poke a group host to join other members to channels without their consent or elevated administrative powers.
    • There are no known instances of this exploit occurring. Thanks to ~sidnym-ladrut for identifying.


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.1.3...v4.2.0


26 Jul 21:26
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Over-the-air hotfix for %groups and %talk. This hotfix corrects an issue where it was possible to assign roles to members in a group that don't exist, creating another kick/resubscribe loop which could peg a group host at 100% CPU. Also adds some safeguards to the UI to preserve group admin state while editing.

Desk hashes:

%groups 0v18.c1qqq.pu8i7.v6m9b.0r9r9.b9md9.54hit.6hrjm.ked4v.6ir4j.lv4ns
%talk 0vl.fn2vk.oq3cq.bfggm.8jbkn.rjvc9.2lvc7.0r0ve.a10kb.ja1k1.et271

Full Changelog: v4.1.2...v4.1.3


21 Jul 20:29
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Over-the-air hotfix for %groups and %talk. This release fixes an issue where role-protected channels and empty zones would cause a kick-resubscribe loop on member ships and hang the group host.

Desk hashes:

%groups 0vm.6as83.0p81f.1bjqq.qa7l2.pcvpq.l3tlh.l5jnj.umprp.ebqfa.of58j
%talk 0v14.sf7sh.cfu73.d8i52.gtenf.9rvoh.veeut.fbohd.kufi3.v7kbp.8ssv9

Full Changelog: v4.1.1...v4.1.2


18 Jul 18:59
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Over-the-air hotfix for %groups and %talk.

This fixes an issue with Roles in Groups where changing the roles on the group host would cause kick-resubscribe loops on all member ships that were not joined to all channels in the group (either by permission or by preference). The kick-resubscribe loops would render all affected member ships inoperable and, in turn, ping and override the host, rendering it similarly inoperable.

Desk hashes:

%groups 0v1h.k2gnv.tiuna.ndvb9.3c9ro.qqrqk.pe2lm.lttpj.0142m.7i6hc.22bod
%talk 0v14.sf7sh.cfu73.d8i52.gtenf.9rvoh.veeut.fbohd.kufi3.v7kbp.8ssv9

Full Changelog: v4.1.0...v4.1.1


10 Jul 19:30
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Over-the-air update to %groups and %talk. This release fixes several issues with roles and permissions in Groups, fixes some cosmetic and behavioral issues with Notebooks, and adds optional privacy-preserving usage analytics to public and private groups.

Desk hashes:

%groups 0v7.5lrtm.0li4c.b11hb.nieen.c3il2.20omp.9lvsp.1l0do.ga0ih.6dqbq
%talk 0v1t.tdgbo.bsev7.p7upk.g0gtc.pv2tf.qa8i3.brsac.se33f.6kpd3.j783p

What's new

  • Adds %talk-cli improvements
  • Adds optional privacy-preserving telemetry to public and private groups for Tlon product analytics. See the in-app message for more details on what we do/don't track and why
  • Fixes an issue with roles and channel permissions would hang indeterminately when editing on the group/channel host
  • Fixes an issue where channel subscribers belonging to a role for which the admin added, removed, then re-added read permissions would miss content that was posted to the channel during their kicked period
  • Fixes an issue with not being able to remove pre-Groups 2 roles from members
  • Fixes an issue where saving a new note and navigating back to the Notebook index before it finished saving would result in a crashing quipCount error
  • Fixes an issue where block element fields in the Notebook editor would inconsistently insert and overlap other content
  • Fixes several cosmetic issues with block element fields in the Notebook editor
  • Fixes several issues with text and block element spacing and margins in Notebooks
  • Fixes an issue where the entire area of the Notebook comment field was not clickable
  • Fixes an issue where the clickable area of the top-level sidebar item was unusably small
  • Fixes an issue where certain views would lack a browser page title
  • Fixes an issue where following notifications for group-meta activity would result in a blank screen
  • Fixes a host of mobile layout issues
  • Changes link appearance in Notebooks to blue + underlined


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.0.1...v4.1.0