Important: All scripts are run from shortcutsViewer.ahk
Shortcut: Win+Shift+/
Open the shortcuts viewer window. You can enter/edit your shortcuts. Saved on close. See picture below.
All other ahk scripts below are run from it, so you only need to load this file: AutoHotkey\Shortcuts viewer\shortcutsViewer.ahk
. (I don't like to have tones of ahk to load...)
You can see them at the top of the file. edit it if needed.
#Include Personal_shortcuts/personalShortcuts.ahk
#Include Translate_in_browser/translateInBrowser.ahk
#Include TTS/TTS.ahk
: Start/Stop TTS on Selection or Clipboard, anywhere in Windows. I'm using a French(Microsoft Paul) and English(Microsoft Mark) voice in the script.
: Pause/Resume.
: Jump to next line.
Numpad +/-
: Increase/Decrease speed (when reading).
N.B: the script is normally registering missing voices in registry. For instance Paul by default is not registered.
you can double click AutoHotkey\Shortcuts viewer\TTS\seeInstalledVoices.ahk
to see your installed voices.
: Script to translate selection or clipboard, anywhere in Windows, in your browser with google translation.
I create only 1.
: query Google from selection or clipboard, anywhere in Windows.
run Toggle_WIFI\exe ps1.bat
I recommand to create a shortcut on desktop.
Sometimes without reason your connection can be cut. This a fast way to restart it or just to switch it.
new: I added a batch dowload_video.bat just to download videos from Odysee and YouTube. just set your target path (local_path) in
To obtain the transcription of videos on Odysee and YouTube in English and French.
Copy the link of the video into the clipboard, then run the batch Transcription_python\transcritption_files\transcript.bat
Personally, I run the batch from Flow Launcher with the shortcut t.
You must install FFmpeg, generally in C:\ and create an environment variable for the path. The other modules are checked at startup and installed if they are not already. The first time it takes a little longer (1 or 2 min)
The Whisper transcription models vary in size and precision. Choose a model according to the resources available:
Tiny : ~39 MB, ~1 GB RAM
Base : ~74 MB, ~1.5 GB RAM
Small : ~244 MB, ~2.8 GB RAM (model enabled in the script)
Medium : ~769 MB, ~5.5 GB RAM
Large : ~1.55 GB, ~10 GB RAM
How to change the model: In the code of the file, replace whisper.load_model("small") with the desired model, for example whisper.load_model("medium").
Lightweight models (Tiny, Base) : Ideal for machines with little RAM.
Larger models (Small, Medium, Large) : Offer better accuracy, but require more RAM and, ideally, a GPU.
The text files *.txt are saved in the folder Transcription_python
. Use the reader in the folder Liseuse_HTML_de_txt for a more readable version. ↓↓
To display the text files in a more readable format in your browser. And it allows you to use certain browser extensions (In private mode).
Method 1: You can paste the HTML file alone anywhere and launch it by double-clicking. It will then be sufficient to select the desired file to be displayed.
Method 2: Add to the context menu of Windows. You need to save the folder somewhere with all the files.
Steps to add a batch file to the context menu via the Windows Registry
Open the Registry Editor :
Press Windows + R to open the "Run" dialog box.
Type regedit and press Enter to open the Registry Editor.
Navigate to the Registry key :
Go to the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT*\shell. The * character indicates that the modification will apply to all file types.
Create a new key:
Right-click on the shell key.
Select New > Key.
Name this key according to your choice, for example, LiseuseTxtHtml.
Add a command under the new key :
Right-click on the key you just created (LiseuseTxtHtml).
Select New > Key and name it command.
Set the path of the batch file :
Click on the command key.
In the right pane, double-click on (Default) to modify its value.
Enter the full path of the batch file, using the format :
C:\Users<username>\Documents\optimisations_perso\Liseuse_HTML_de_txt\liseuse.bat "%1"
The "%1" is a parameter that represents the selected file in the context menu.
Close the Registry Editor :
Once you have set the command, close the Registry Editor.
Test the context menu :
Right-click on any file in Windows Explorer.
You should now see the option you added, which will execute your batch script with the selected file as a parameter.
Administrative rights :
To make changes to the Registry, you must have administrator privileges