NodeJS Version of check_couchdb by FreshX.
Supports :
- IPv6
- Authentication
- Performance Data
- SSL connects
$ npm -g install FreshXOpenSource/check_couchdb
.... npm output ...
[email protected] /usr/lib/node_modules/check_couchdb
Now link the check_couchdb binary into your nagios/centreon installation :
ln -s <path from your npm installation above>/bin/check_couchdb <path to your nagios plugins>
i.e. on RedHat Systems this would look like :
ln -s /usr/lib/node_modules/check_couchdb/bin/check_couchdb /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_couchdb
Now you can use it in Nagios as a command.
Usage: check_couchdb < -H HOSTNAME | --host > host to connect to
[ -h | --help ] show help ]
[ -s | --ssl ] enable SSL, default NO ]
[ -u | --user USERNAME ] username to connect with ]
[ -p | --pass PASSWORD ] password to connect with ]
[ -P | --port PORT ] port to connect to, default 5984 (nonssl), 6984 (ssl) ]
[ -d | --debug ] enable debug mode ]
[ -l | --less ] dump less permformance data
object CheckCommand "couchdb" {
command = [ PluginDir + "/check_couchdb" ]
timeout = 1m
arguments = {
"-H" = {
"order" = 1
"repeat_key" = false
"value" = "$couch_address$"
"-p" = {
"description" = "password (if required)"
"value" = "$couch_pass$"
"-u" = {
"description" = "username (if required)"
"value" = "$couch_user$"
"-s" = {
"set_if" = "$couch_ssl$"
"-l" = {
"set_if" = "$set_less$"
"-V" = {
"description" = "couchDB Version - default is 1.x; 1 or 2"
"value" = "$couchdb_version$"
"-P" = "$couch_port$"
vars.couch_address = "$host.address$"
vars.couch_ssl = false
vars.set_less = true