Email service for node clients to send emails via sendgrid and mailcatcher
Add this line in package.json "@kudosinc/email-service": "git+https://[email protected]/KudosInc/email-service.git#v1.0.0"
and run npm install
Following environment varialbes need to be set to send mail via smtp.
Assuming you already have smtp running locally via docker on the port 1025
and the service name is smtp, set these environment variables
To send emails via sendgrid, a template should be created in the sendgrid app, as this service sends email only using the template id.
Set the following environment variables to configure email service to send emails via sengrid
To send emails via sendgrid, we need templates created in the sendgrid, and we use the template_id as the sent parameter. The email templates can be cretead in the sendgrid app
To send emails look at the example below.
const emailService = require('@kudosinc/email-service');
await emailService.sendMail({
html: 'valid html', //optional, will be respected only in smtp
to: [{ email: '[email protected]', name: 'test test' }],
from: { email: '[email protected]', name: 'sender sender' },
params: { name: 'sender', company: 'Kudos Inc' }, // required for sendgrid, optional for smtp
templateId: 'template-id', // required for sendgrid to work
subject: 'Subject of the email',
const sendEmail = async () => {
await emailService.sendMail({
to: [{ email: '[email protected]', name: 'test test' }],
from: { email: supportEmail, name: 'Kudos Administrator' },
params: {
user: { name: 'John Doe' },
template: 'relative/path/to/your/pug/template',
In order for the pug template to work, it is required to create follow the following structure:
Folder(email)/Foler(template)/html.pug and subject.pug at the same level
please follow the link for more details
If the html
value is not set when using smtp, it'll concatenate all parameters as a list, and display them as html. The smtp option will not fetch the template html from sendgrid, so the display will not be the same.