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Build Status

The current build can be found at Its raw contents are automatically added in the gh-pages branch (see below).

How to

Prepare your development environment

  1. Checkout this repository and make sure that your local copy has write (push) permission. In case it doesn't, you'll have to set the appropriate remote.
  2. Install Node.js, if necessary.
  3. Open a terminal.
  4. Install yeoman globally: npm install -g yo
  5. Install grunt globally: npm install -g grunt grunt-cli
  6. cd to the directory of this project
  7. Run npm install in the directory of this project to install all dependencies.
  8. Run bower install

Run a local webserver for development

Run grunt serve in a terminal

Now open http://localhost:9000/ (if it isn't already done automatically for you). Grunt will watch for changes, so you just need to save your files and the server (and probably even the browser!) will automatically reload, showing your changes immediately.

Add new views/routes/controllers/etc.

You may use the different goodies provided by the Yeoman Angular generator. For example, yo angular:route foo to add a route+view+controller named foo.

Deploy to GitHub pages

  1. Commit and push your changes.
  2. Verify that everything is OK and build the project with grunt.
  3. Run grunt buildcontrol:pages. It will automatically push the changes to GitHub pages.
  4. Open to verify that everything is OK there as well.

Build the project manually

Just run grunt with no arguments. After a few seconds, the build output will be in dist/, if everything is OK.

Run tests manually

Run grunt test. The tests will run on PhantomJS using Karma.