This is a graph based on Synthea, a synthetic healthcare data generator. To get started, please review the prerequisites, installation for TG Cloud (if needed), and the Synthea Graph installation instructions.
NOTE: For Docker Instructions
- git
- gradle
- TigerGraph Environment
- Go to
- Create an account or login
- Navigate to My Solutions
- Click Create Solution (top right)
- Choose blank graph and complete provisioning
- Navigate to your project folder (where you want the project to reside)
- Run
git clone
cd Synthea-medgraph
- Update the file with your TigerGraph server information
- Run
gradle tasks
(You should see Build Successful) - Type
openssl s_client -connect < /dev/null 2> /dev/null | openssl x509 -text > cert.txt
, replacing "hostname" with the name of your TG cloud server - Navigate to the gradle folder in your home directory (
cd ~/.gradle
), then create a file (touch
). - Open the file just created in the home directory. On the first line, write
gpr.user = github_username
, replacing github_username with your GitHub username. On the second line, writegpr.key = github_token
, replacing github_token with a personal token on GitHub. To generate this token, go to, navigate to your settings, select "Developer Settings," click "Personal access tokens," then press the button "Generate new token." Check off the option "read:packages" and generate the token. Copy the token and paste it replacing github_token. Finally, save the file and navigate back to the Synthea directory (cd -
). - Run
gradle createSchema
- Go to your TigerGraph solution, and under Admin -> User Management click Create Secret
- Add the secret to the file
- Next run
gradle allCreateLoad
- Finally run
gradle allLoad
Please refer to dockerized-synthetic-healthcare-graph for full walk-through.
- Demo developed by Akash Kaul
- Docker developed by Bruno Simic
- Maintained by Jon Herke