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A guide to understanding the code:

First look at fitting efficiency data procedure if unfamiliar

Load Data

Imports our custom motor data (from 4Q graph) 
Imports standard (noraml GEM motor) data, 
Imports standard points linear interpolated to our custom motor operating points (only used in visualizing in point cloud not in any actual analysis)
Imports solaride normal and solaride regen data
Sets ASC and FSGP crusing targets (based on Liams data)
Imports comparable conditions (the rpm's/torques of the custom motors that fall within the range of torques/rpm's we also have for standard) and their associated efficiency's of the custom data


Creates the point cloud plot showing all imported data 


Function to take a nx3 matrix of rpm, torque and efficiency columns and plot it


Function to take a shift and plot that shift to the effieincy equations as a plane


Function I found online to generate a plane based on linear interpolation (only used in visualziing not in analysis)


Commented out code to call curveFitter tool box. Uncomment it to perform your own fitting.
Runs polynomial55fitGreaterThan100 and polynomial55fitGreaterThan100SignificantParameters to create two fitresult objects


Auto generated function by MATLAB based on me fitting standard data in curveFitter
Will create a plot showing efficiency as contour lines on torque and rpm, the plane fit and residuals between the plane and standard data
Code slightly modified by me just for visualization


Auto generated function by MATLAB based on me fitting standard data in curveFitter with me constraining some parameters to 0
I selected the parameters to constrain based off if I couldn't say that they were significant with 95% confidence (if the 95% confidence bound for each point intercepted 0 then not significant)
Will create a plot showing efficiency as contour lines on torque and rpm, the plane fit and residuals between the plane and standard data


Determines the differences between the custom comparable efficiency points and the standard fit plane.
Determines mean differences, standard deviation and upper/lower bounds at 1 sd confidence
Determines residuals (custom data efficiency - custom data plane efficiency) based on no shift, mean shift and lower bounds shift of the standard plane
Plots 3 planes (no shift, mean shift and lower bounds shifts and their respective residuals

Efficiency Equation

The result of fitresult1 (standard data fit) where I took the equation it gave and actually coded it
Normalized the rpm and torque then applied equation
Added a shift
Returns the efficiency 


Auto generated function by MATLAB based on me fitting standard data shifted and the custom data in curveFitter
Will create a plot showing efficiency as contour lines on torque and rpm, the plane fit and residuals between the plane and standard data
Code slightly modified by me just for visualization


Combines shifted standard data (by the mean difference) with the custom motor data. Assigns 10x weight to the custom data and fits the combined data
Outputs the coefficients to a table

To Run:

You will need to install the curveFitter toolbox

Run LoadData to import everything into the workspace
Run CreatePointCloudPlot to see the general point cloud
Run StandardPlaneFit to see the first figure of a plane fit and second figure of a plane fit with insignificant parameters removed
Run CompareValues to see the plane fit then shifted to the custom data
Run ShiftAndFitAllData to see the shifted data then combined with the custom data and fitted to a plane.

Vairables fitresult1, gof1 will show all of the information for the plane and some goodness of fit statistics for first plane
Vairables fitresult2, gof2 will show all of the information for the plane and some goodness of fit statistics for first plane with insignificant parameters removed
Variables shiftedFit,shiftedGof and CoefficientTable with all information of the combined plane

Other stuff: All the plane polynomial fitting is done through curveFitter. You can essentially just call that and then follow it to try fitting data All my outlier detection was done visually based on curveFitter and residual plots In my fitresults, I exlcluded rpm <= 50 as I found it increasing the residuals by a bit in the 200-1000rpm range which I did not think was ideal


Alalysis of motor efficiency data for schulich helios.






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