track is designed in such a way as to let you spend more time being productive instead of making you spend time fiddling with the program that helps you track your actvities. Configure the program using simple self-explainatory commands, and use the fast and ultra-minimal TUI to start tracking your activities using keyboard shortcuts.
- Clone repository (for now)
git clone
- Make sure "track" is executible
chmod +x track
- Add at least one activity using the command
track add [name]
, the UI won't launch otherwise - Dependency: Urwid
pip install urwid
Example: track log activityName
track add activity / track a activity
- Add new activity to the tracker
track del activity / track delete activity
- Delete existing activity
track list
- List all existing activites in the tracker
track sel activity / track select activity
- Select activity to track using the commandline interface
track start
- Start tracking selected activity
track status
- Show status information of selected activity (active/inactive/log)
track stop
- Stop tracking selected activity
track log activity
- Show logs for the given activity
track logs
- Show all logs for all activities
track today activity
- Show only today's log for given activity
track clean activity / track clean all / track clean activity [date/today]
- Clear log of given activity or all activities
- Only specific log will be cleared if 'today' or a date is specified after activity name
- Date format dd-mm-yyyy
track map activity key
- Maps activity to the specified keyboard key (options: "1-0" and "!-)")
track keymap
- Shows current keymap
track export
- Export logs to a csv file in working directory
track flush
- Delete all activities including their logs (cannot be recovered)
Show log for selected activityD
Delete selected activityc
Clear today's log for selected activityC
Clear all logs for selected activityr
Refresh/restart timer if stuck1-0, !-)
Switch between activities (max 20)
- Manual log entries
Delete specific log entry (by date) -
Modify order of activites- Introduced Custom Key-mapping
- Set everyday goal and display whether or not the goal has been reached
Track activity from the commandline -
Export logs to CSV - Generate graph based on logs (stats)