Wayfarer is a public bus transportation booking services platform where users can find diverse trips and book a spot in any available trip.
- Users view the dashboard section that expressively describes the platform.
- Users can sign up.
- Users can sign in.
- Admins can create a trip.
- Admins can cancel a trip.
- Users can view all trips.
- Users can view a specific trip.
- Users can book a seat on a trip.
- Admin can view all bookings.
- A user can view all of his bookings.
- A user can delete his booking.
- Users can filter trips based on origin.
- Users can filter trips based on destination.
- Users can specify a seat number when making a booking.
Endpoint | Request | Status | Description |
/ | GET | 200 OK | Helps users to access to the root of the api |
/auth/signup | POST | 201 Created | Makes a post request to register a new user or create an account |
/auth/signin | POST | 200 OK | Sign in the user already having a user account |
/trips | POST | 201 OK | Create a trips on which users can book seats |
/trips/:trip-id | GET | 200 OK | For users to view all available trips |
/trips/:trip-id | GET | 200 OK | For users to view a specific trip |
/trips/:trip-id/cancel | PATCH | 200 OK | For the admin to cancel a trip |
/trips/bookings | POST | 201 OK | For the the users to book a seat |
/trips/bookings | GET | 200 OK | For both admin and users to view bookings |
/bookings/:booking-id | DELETE | 200 OK | For both admin and users to delete a specific booking |
/filter/trips | GET | 200 OK | For users to filter available trips based on origin or destination |
Tools used for development of this API are;
- Documentation : Swagger.
- Framework: ExpressJS.
- Code Editor/IDE: VSCode, Sublime Text.
- Programming language: JavaScript(ES6).
- API Testing environment: Postman.
- Clone the github repository here.
- Kindly read very well the provided documentation
- Github Pages : https://winnersprox.github.io/way-farer-app.
- Heroku Deployment : https://way-farer-app-rest.herokuapp.com/api/v1.
Get started with WayFarer Api endpoints documentation here.
- Bihame Sikubwabo Vainqueur
- Andela Homestudy : https://homestudy.andela.com
- Pluralsight : https://app.pluralsight.com