Simple file reader made with node.js and express to read your text files on the browser. Security specifications are responsibility of developers that implements this library on his projects.
Files are listed on the directory as you mark as origin ordered by creation date.
You can search a specific files. Only write on the search input to filter files on the list. The filter is made on realtime.
If you need to review the file content, only click on the file.
If you need to find a specific content on file, use the search input.
If you need to add on your project, you can download the image from Docker Hub.
docker pull agileworksnet/reader:latest
docker run --volume=./storage:/usr/src/app/storage:rw --workdir=/usr/src/app -p 3000:3000 --restart=always agileworksnet/reader:latest
If you need to add as a service on your deployment stack, add this service to this docker-compose.yml
image: agileworksnet/reader
restart: always
- ./storage:/usr/src/app/storage
- "3000:3000"
Important: bind the volume to your application or software storage path on your files are located:
- ./storage:/usr/src/app/storage
Use the .env
file to config the application base url if you need to deploy
with an application context.
# Replace by you env url
If you want to update the title and the description:
The contributions are welcome. Please, open an issue to discuss the changes before send a pull request.
This project is licensed over MIT.