example of development of a plugin for dde-dock This project is a learning exercise of plugin development for the Qt and DDE Dock with the aim of implementing one of the Dock plugins
On Debian and based ones (like Deepin), the following packages are required.
- dde-dock-dev -> Interfaces for Deepin's dock plugins
- qtbase5-dev -> Qt Core and Qt Widgets
In the file install.sh and uninstall.sh, there's the path /usr/lib/dde-dock/plugins
This makes the dock use the plugin in the part of the system ones. It'll be shown near of the trash, nor date time plugin. For your user's experience, the best could be to use another path:
It then should appear in the section where there's the WIFI, and sound. Your users will be able to hide it with the ">" icon, that is not possible while using the first path.