For Python version of some utilities see:
Access scripts in Google Earth Engine Code Editor:
See some examples of how to use these scripts in the following slides.
The library includes the following main scripts:
- animation - animate image collection in Code Editor by adding multiple images as map layers and toggle their opacity
- assets - harmonize access to medium-resolution optical satellite image collections (Landsat 4,5,7,8,9 and Sentinel-2)
- charting - scatter chart, rug plot, colorbar chart as a map layer in code editor
- earth - inset Earth in Code Editor
- gallery - project image colleciton as a filmstrip map layer
- geometry - transect, vector, center point, concave hull
- gl - emulate a subset of fragment shader in Earth Engine (proof-of-concept, 1000x slower than in GPU)
- grid - generate regular grid (vector or raster)
- hydro - access to some of hydologicla layers
- palettes - palettes, see docs here:
- promise - (incomplete) emulate JavaScript async Promise
- stat - dnorm, qnorm
- style - north arrow, gradient bar, scale bar, frame with coordinates, map styles (use instead)
- text - draw text annotations in map layers
- thresholding - Otsu thresholding, threaholding based on Otsu and Canny Edge Detector methods (see my PhD thesis for examples)
- tiler - generate SlippyMap tiles for a given zoom level and bounds
- ui - (prototype, slow) draw area tool, draw transect tool
- utils - stretch image bandwise, isolines, fast focal max/min/weight, hillshadeRGB, Perona-Malik speckle filter, multitemporal speckle filter, skeletonization (image morphology), PCA