This library provides a generic Entity Component System for developing games.
// Construction.
e := ecs.New()
// Create entities.
entity := e.Add()
// Delete entities.
// Set component in entity.
ecs.Set(e, MyComponent{value})
ecs.Set2(e, MyComponent{value1}, OtherComponent{value2})
// Get component(s) given entity ID.
c, ok := ecs.Get[MyComponent](e, entityId)
c1, c2, ok := ecs.Get2[MyComponent, OtherComponent](e, entityId)
// Unset (or remove) component from entity.
ecs.Unset[MyComponent](e, entityId)
// Iterate all entities that have a component.
for it := ecs.Iterate[MyComponent](e); ; {
c, ok := it.Next()
if !ok {
// Do something with 'c'.
// Iterate all entities that have both components.
for it := ecs.Join[MyComponent, OtherComponent](e); ; {
c1, c2, ok := it.Next()
if !ok {
// Do something with 'c1' and 'c2'.
// Iterate all entities that have all 3 components.
for it := ecs.Join3[MyC1, MyC2, MyC3](e) ; ; { ... }
// Get singleton entity with given component.
entityID, c, ok := e.IterateAny[MyComponent](e)
// Get singleton entity with both components.
entityID, c1, c2, ok := e.JoinAny[MyComponent, OtherComponents](e)