Battler is an interpreter and card-game engine, an example of a Snap game can be seen below.
- PlainText to AST parser
- AST to bytecode compiler
- Bytecode interpreter can run test game file
- Interpreter runnable from command line
- Full Bytecode interpreter implementation
- Library published
- Python Plugin
Use this project's simple CMakeLists.txt to build it, although it doesn't link with anything except for the C++ standard lib
Run the interpreter against a game file:
.\Battler.exe game_file.txt
# this game is an implementation of Snap, but with ships
# from Eve Online
# it's a lot bigger than it has to be
game TestGame start
visiblestack InPlay
# a hidden stack
hiddenstack Draw
# number of players
# stacks can have member attributes
int Draw.x
# member attributes can even be other stacks!
privatestack Draw.h
# and they can have attributes too!
int Draw.h.y
int Draw.h.a
int Draw.h.b
players 2
Draw.h.b = 6
int someVarName
someVarName = 5*5
# cards!
card Ship start
# card attributes
int shield
int armour
int hull
int attack
# child cards
card Atron Ship start
shield = 300 + 1
armour = 350 * 2 - 1
hull = 400 + 2 * 3
attack = 50 + 60 * 6 - 5 / 4
# you dont have to set the attributes
card Kestral Ship start end
card Rifter Ship start end
card Apocolypse Ship start end
card Comet Ship start end
# move random cards into a stack
random Ship -> Draw top 100
# move cards between stacks
Draw -> InPlay top 2
# a setup block, run once at the beggining of the game
setup start
foreachplayer p start
privatestack p.Hand
random Ship -> Draw top 10
Draw ->_ p.Hand bottom 3
# a phase declaration, like a function
phase DrawPhase start
Draw -> currentPlayer.Hand top 1
phase Place start
currentPlayer.Hand -> InPlay top 1
# compare cards from positions in stacks
if == start
# declare a wiener
winneris currentPlayer
# runs every turn
turn start
# run a phase
do DrawPhase
do Place
If you run the above game in the interpreter, you will get something like this output, showing it executing each turn automatically until ther is a winner
Compiling game file
Loading Compiled Game
Running game setup
The winner is 0