A simple bash/zsh script to make starting up a new Express app a breeze!
You need to have node/npm and git installed on your local machine and available in your PATH.
For usage with Knex: you also need to have PostgreSQL set up on your machine.
If you just need to use the script without installing it:
To be run in the terminal
bash -c "$(wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/malcolmkiano/exp/master/exp.sh)" <project name> <"project description">
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/malcolmkiano/exp/master/exp.sh)" <project name> <"project description">
Replace <project name>
and <project description>
with your project name and description
To be run in the terminal
bash -c "$(wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/malcolmkiano/exp/master/install.sh)"
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/malcolmkiano/exp/master/install.sh)"
You're done, go ahead and run exp
To use this, cd
into your projects folder (or wherever really), and run the following command:
exp your-project-name
You could optionally include a description for your project:
exp your-project-name "Your project description"
This will scaffold an Express app for you. If you would like a template with Knex, use the -k
exp -k your-project-name
For help using exp, use the -h
exp -h
You can configure this to clone your a different repository and set it up for you.
It is highly likely it won't entirely be compatible, so please make sure you know what you're doing.
To change the source repos, edit the variables below (located in ~/.exp/exp.sh
# replace value with the url to your express/express-knex boilerplate
# replace value with the value in "name" in your boilerplate's package.json
# replace value with the value in "description" in your boilerplate's package.json
defaultdesc="A starting point for Express apps"
defaultdesc_knex="A starting point for Express apps with Knex and a PostgreSQL Database"
If you don't change these values, it'll start you off with my Express boilerplate or Express-Knex boilerplate, both of which are really good starting points.