Handler for ESP8266 settings such as WiFi, NTP and update server.
It's meant to be an universal, secure toolbox.
- Handling WiFi connection
- Configuring AP
- Storing your server's login and password
- Cookie-based authentication ready
- Integrated unique key generator:
- Device-specific key
- Encrypted with Vigenere's cipher
- Expiration time checked on server
- Saving and loading from SPIFFS
- Handling OTA and HTTP updates
- basicAuth - simple authentication using HTTP server
- basicConfiguration - configuring everything on the device
- connectToWiFi - how to connect to the WiFi
- cookieAuth - cookie based authentication example using
- keyTesting - a bunch of tests for key generator
- OTAUpdateConfiguration - how to configure OTA update service
- saveToSPIFFS - saving and loading settings
- setUpAP - configure Access Point
- updateServerConfiguration - how to configure default HTTP update server
- Cookie auth works best with Firefox
- encryptKey takes values >=1 because of how key verification works
- Using a function without configuring it (or loading settings) may cause crash
For ToDo list check issues.