Your supervisor has asked you to find a way to automate and audit basic system configuration for new servers in your environment. Given that Ansible is already configured at a basic level in your environment, the simplest solution would be to just write a playbook for bootstrapping your new hosts.
Create a playbook called /home/ansible/bootstrap.yml to fulfill the following boot strap requirements:
All servers:
Edit /etc/hosts to include the following entry:
Install elinks
Create the user xyzcorp_audit
Copy the files /home/ansible/motd and /home/ansible/issue to /etc/
Network servers:
Install nmap-ncat
Create the user xyzcorp_network
SysAdmin servers:
Copy /home/ansible/scripts.tgz from the control node to /mnt/storage
The Ansible control node has been configured for you and each testing server has already been configured for use with Ansible. The default inventory has been configured to include a the groups network and sysadmin. Each group includes a sample host.