Utilizes the 16colo.rs api to download art packs, un-archives only files with .ans, asc or .diz extensions and places them into pack folders, organized by year and 16Colo.rs spack name:
|-- year
|--- packName
|--- file.ans
|--- file.asc
|--- file.diz
Utilizes "Terminal progress bar for Go" for printing download progress in console.
- clone this repo
go get .
go build .
(install via apt, homebrew, windows, etc. )
- .zip files require unzip to be installed ("unzip" is called).
- .lzh files require lhasa to be installed ("lha" is called).
./fetch16c -years [number] -path [path/to/download]
Example: ./fetch16c -years 4 -path /home/robbiew/art
would grab 4 years of packs from the current year and download to a local directory.
If you just want the current year's pack, use -years 1
Tested on Ubuntu 22.04.