I developed an image uploading app for birds called "AVES APP". This app caters for bird lovers who can upload beautiful images of birds. This app was also tested using local environment (user based testing).The technology used behind in developing this app is as follows:
- Lambdas for storing functions
- DynamoDB
- Api Gateway (front-door securing, monitoring...the REST API)
- S3 Bucket (storage of images)
- CloudFormation (infrastructure as code, provisioning a collection of needed resources)
- IAM user
- XRay
- ReactJS
- OAuth integration for 3rd party apps
- RS256 Algorithm
- Global Secondary Indexes on DynamoDB
- Xray for debugging logs
The video of this application can be found here: https://youtu.be/k7BTm2mjsHE
Use the node package manager to install Aves app
cd backend
npm install
cd ../frontend
npm install
- Update client/src/config.ts credentials to match your Auth0 account and
- Serverless deployment
The client can be installed and run locally in http://localhost:3000/
cd client
npm run start
- GET - https://ptzezohp22.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/dev/images
- POST - https://ptzezohp22.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/dev/images
- PATCH - https://ptzezohp22.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/dev/images/{imageId}
- DELETE - https://ptzezohp22.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/dev/images/{imageId}
- POST - https://ptzezohp22.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/dev/images/s3/{imageId}
- Auth: Aves-dev-Auth
- getImages: Aves-dev-getImages
- createImage: Aves-dev-createImage
- updateImage: Aves-dev-updateImage
- deleteImage: Aves-dev-deleteImage
- generateUploadUrl: Aves-dev-generateUploadUrl