you need the nodeJS and mongo containers (you can pull them)
- docker pull mongo
- docker pull ubuntu - then i installed nodejs & npm but you can pull nodejs directly too
and files from this repo
You must run download the packages with npm which was used in package.json
- npm install
you must have a docker network, which you can create in host machine with a single line:
- sudo docker network create mynetwork
you must give permission for start.sh in project root and to mongoDB folder
- sudo chmod 777 start.sh
- ofc also you must have the volume folders
create entry point or launch manually the nodeJS app (ex. manually)
- cd /home/project
- node index
- (optional: you can use nodemon for run hapi server, if you are in project folder, type "nodemon")
- we have 2 container:
- only nodejs (and we have shared folder with project files)
- we need use volume, so our external folder inject into container, so we use ide outside but code will be executed inside, like shared folder
- only mongoDB (it was pulled from docker repo)
- we need volume/shared folder for save the data into host machine folder
- keep in mind, the host folder will replace the folder from image when you run container !!
- somehow not let me declare the entrypoint directly so i created a bashfile, mounted and used the .sh like entrypoint
- first time you need create db, collection, something data for test
- we need volume/shared folder for save the data into host machine folder
- only nodejs (and we have shared folder with project files)
- the 2 container must communicate with eachother, this have more way but we use same network
- it is simliar like the lan, the containers can see eachother with different ip
- bonus is the container alias which is fixed, so we don't need to know the ip (which not static)
- example from nodejs you can run this: ping mongo
- so nodejs via mongoose module can access the mongodb from mongo container
- ofc mongodb must run with bind all ip param:
- ex.: /usr/bin/mongod --bind_ip_all
- ofc mongodb must run with bind all ip param:
- ip addr show = need package: iproute
- --privileged = if cannot access the host network from container, need run container with this flag
- ping x.y.z.v = need package: iputils-ping
- sudo docker exec -it mongo /bin/bash = enter into deattached container and use terminal
- /usr/bin/mongo = enter to mongo console/terminal
- use ssh for check files or transfer between host & docker container
- Note: if you want keep file permanent in your container then you have more option:
- sudo docker commit containerHash imageName - this create a new image from container current state
- use volume (-v) when you run your container and file should be stored in host machine
- Note: if you want keep file permanent in your container then you have more option:
- copy something out from container:
- Docker container:
- passwd root = change the password for root
- apt-get update = update the repositories
- apt-get install nano = my favorite text editor
- apt-get install openssh-server = install ssh server
- nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config = open ssh config file for editing
- change value at PermitRootLogin line to yes
- save
- service ssh restart = restart ssh server so it will use the new config
- ip addr show = check your ip (at me useally but not static)
- Host machine:
- install winSCP - https://winscp.net/eng/download.php (100% compatibile with wine - linux users)
- connect to docker:
- host: ip what you got from ip addr show
- type: sftp & port: 22
- username: root
- password: what you setted with passwd root
- when you are done then just exit from container, so it will be cleanup changes on container at next container run
- Docker container:
- inert: used for return static files from filesystem
- vision: let us to use template engines easier at response
- handlebar: javascript based template engine
- mongoose: elegant MongoDB object modeling for nodeJS
- mongo - this start the mongo console where you can type commands for mongo, located in usr/bin
- mongos - mongodb shard, is a routing service for MongoDB shard configurations, located in usr/bin
- mongod - this start the database in image, located in usr/bin
- show dbs - obvious :D
- use hapidb - create new /select database (name: hapidb)
- db.createCollection('tasks'); = create collection (name tasks) in current db (hapidb)
- db.tasks.insert({text:'Task 1'}); = insert a new object into the colllection(tasks)
- db.tasks.insertMany([{text:'Task 1'},{text:'Task 2'}]); = insert more document into collection
- db.tasks.updateOne({ "favorites.artist": "Picasso" },{$set: { "favorites.food": "pie", type: 3 },$currentDate: { lastModified: true }}) = update the 1st (condition, set which will be updated,update lastModified field)
- db.task.update() = same than above, update the 1st method
- db.task.updateMany() = same like updateOne except this update every record
- db.collection.replaceOne({ name: "abc" },{ name: "amy", age: 34, type: 2}) = replce first document where name is "abc"
- db.tasks.find() = list records in tasks collection
- db.tasks.find(idHash) = find that id in collection
- db.tasks.remove( { status: "D" }, 1) = remove 1 record where status is "D"
- db.tasks.remove( { status: "D" } ) = remove every record where status is "D"
- db.tasks.remove( {} ) = remove every document from collection
- db.tasks.deleteOne( { status: "D" } ) = delete first record where status is "D"
- db.tasks.deleteMany( { status: "D" } ) = delete every record where status is "D"
- db.tasks.deleteMany({}) = delete every document from collection
- db.tasks.save() = save current document object
- db.tasks.drop() = remove the collection (tasks)
- other usefull stuff: findAndModify, findOneAndReplace(), findOneAndUpdate(), Geospatial Queries, copyTo, cloneCollection(), cloneDatabase()..........
few thing outdated in that guide like happi connection, handle which use mongodb etc but could be a good start
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lprC0yYeFw
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/hapi-auth-jwt2
- https://github.com/hapijs/hapi-auth-cookie
- https://medium.freecodecamp.org/how-to-setup-a-powerful-api-with-nodejs-graphql-mongodb-hapi-and-swagger-e251ac189649
- https://docs.mongodb.com/v3.2/reference/sql-comparison/
- https://docs.mongodb.com/v3.2/tutorial/update-documents/
- https://www.tutorialspoint.com/mongodb/mongodb_environment.htm
- https://mongoosejs.com/
- https://success.docker.com/article/how-can-i-access-mongodb-container-from-another-container
- https://github.com/hapijs/vision
- https://hapijs.com/tutorials/serving-files