- I want a tabline, here are some notable ones to refer to:
- https://github.com/romgrk/barbar.nvim
- https://github.com/nanozuki/tabby.nvim
- RESOLVED: I got barbar and am using it full time now.
- Startup section:
- Note taking:
- https://github.com/stevearc/gkeep.nvim
- look for others(markdown/notes)
- Utility:
- There seems to be some support for better buffer managers here, consider them.
- https://github.com/chrisgrieser/nvim-early-retirement Something like this may be useful in addition to what I use for buffer management.
- Terminal additions:
- https://github.com/willothy/flatten.nvim This looks fascinating and potentially useful!
- https://github.com/akinsho/toggleterm.nvim
- Motion:
- There looks to be some gold here!
Need a way to easily switch between buffers. Harpoon? alternate buffers?
Can do <leader> <leader>
for all current directory files. Can do <leader> ff
for buffer selection but I don't like it and
it's not fast enough don't think.
├── README.md # This file
├── init.lua # just loads all the lua files
├── lua/
│ ├── allison/
│ │ ├── settings.lua # global settings for neovim
│ │ ├── lazy.lua # setup lazy.nvim and load all the plugins in the plugins folder
│ │ ├── keymap.lua # setup some useful keymaps
│ ├── plugins/
│ │ ├── blakeline.lua # adds dotted lines to denote and highlight blocks of code
│ │ ├── comment.lua # adds a comment toggle keymap
│ │ ├── dressing.lua # replaces some UI elements with better looking ones
│ │ ├── git-signs.lua # adds git signs to the gutter (left side of the window)
│ │ ├── harpoon.lua # awesome plugin, more details below
│ │ ├── lualine.lua # adds a statusline at the bottom of the window with icons and stuff
│ │ ├── oil.lua # adds a file explorer that is better than the default one
│ │ ├── telescope.lua # adds a fuzzy finder and a lot more
│ │ ├── theme.lua # uses gruvbox-material theme with some customizations
│ │ ├── treesitter.lua # adds treesitter for awesome syntax highlighting
│ │ ├── undotree.lua # a plugin to visualize all the changes ever made to a file
│ │ ├── which-key.lua # adds a popup with all the keymaps
│ │ ├── lsp/ # all the LSP related settings
│ │ │ ├── init.lua
│ │ │ ├── format.lua
│ │ │ ├── lsp_attach.lua # attaches the LSP to the current buffer and sets up keymaps
│ │ │ ├── servers.lua # all the LSP servers and their config
Shift + J
andShift + K
to move lines up and down
Shift + V
to select lines and thenShift + J
orShift + K
to move them)
Shift + U
to redo -
<Leader> + y
to copy to system clipboard -
<Leader> + Shift + y
to copy to system clipboard from the cursor to end of the line -
<Leader> + p
to paste from system clipboard -
<Leader> + Shift + p
to paste from system clipboard before the cursor -
<Leader> + e
to open the file explorer (oil.nvim) -
Alt + s
to force apply any changes without a conformation -
to comment or uncomment a line -
to comment or uncomment a block of code (visual mode) -
<Leader> + ff
to get a list of all open buffers -
<Leader> + space
to get a list of all the files in the current dir where nvim is opend -
Ctrl + s
to run a search over all the files in the current dir where nvim is opend -
<Leader> + u
to toggle undotree to look at all the changes made to the files
Ctrl + space
to get auto completionsTab
orCtrl + n
to select the next completionShift + Tab
orCtrl + p
to select the previous completionEnter
to select the current completionCtrl + f
to scroll down the docs windowCtrl + d
to scroll up the docs windowAlt + e
to close the completion window
to go to definition of the word under the cursorgD
to go to the declaration of the word under the cursorgr
to find references of the word under the cursorgI
to go to the implementations of the word under the cursorK
to get the documentation of the word under the cursorCtrl + k
to get signature help for the word under the cursor<Leader> + D
to get the type of the word under the cursor<Leader> + ds
to get all the symbols in the current files<Leader> + ws
to get all the symbols in the current workspace<Leader> + rn
to LSP rename the word under the cursor<Leader> + ca
to LSP code action for the word under the cursor<Leader + dd
to show LSP diagnosticsq
to close the diagnostics window (if cursor is in the diagnostics window)<Leader> + dd
to toggle the diagnostics window (if not in diagnostics window already)Shift + K
on a line to see the full error message
<Leader> + f
to format the current file (more info at the botto)
For formatting conform.nvim
is used
It uses a formatter cinfigured in the lua/lsp/format.lua
or the one provided by the LSP server if it's available.
To install a formatter run :Mason
and select the formatter you want to install.
and then tell conform.nvim
to use that formatter by adding it to the lua/lsp/format.lua
<Leader> + f
to format the current file (more info at the botto)
Harpoon is a plugin that allows you to switch between a set of files quickly and easily. It's like a bookmark system for files.
Harpoon holds a list of files that you can switch between using a keymap. You can add the current file to the list of files and then switch to any of the files in the list.
<Leader> + a
to add the current file to the list of files -
<Leader> + hh
to show the list of files- Harpoon window is a normal buffer so you can use
to move up and down Enter
to open the file under the cursorq
to close the Harpoon windowdd
to delete the file under the cursor from the list- any other vim command to do whatever you want with the file list
- Harpoon window is a normal buffer so you can use
<Leader> + ha
to open the first file in the list -
<Leader> + hs
to open the second file in the list -
<Leader> + hd
to open the third file in the list -
<Leader> + hf
to open the forth file in the list
You can set more keymaps in the lua/plugins/harpoon.lua
enamble line numbers
disable relative line numbers
disable wrap (enamble if you want)
set scrolloff to 8 (:help scrolloff for more info)
enamble termguicolors (enables true color support)
set some good split defaults
- splitbelow
- splitright
set tabstop and other stuff (it's a bit involved, check the docs for more info)
disable swap files and backup files in favaor of undo files
set the undodir to ~/.vim/undodir
Set some good search defaults
always show the signcolumn
set some code folding defaults.
Folds are not enabled by default so you need a plugin to enable them. I use a plugin called
for this.
The theme gruvbox-material
is setup at the bottom of the lua/plugins/theme.lua
Customizations are also done in the same file in the config
function at the bottom of the file.