macOS: Sonoma 14.2.1
Centos: centos-7-x64
Compared to Geerlingguy files i have decided to create a script that writes ip's and assign them to groups. Unfortunately it leads to additional commands to execute. (Since I wasn't able to get hosts to inventory groups)
Add your machine SSH to DigitalOcean account
Create API token and add to your DigitalOcean project
Update vars files to your personal preferences
a) Update u_token in keys.yml (api_token)
b) Update u_ssh in keys.yml (ssh fingerprint)
c) Update 'api_token' in the end of the script
d) Update file location of '' in provisioners/digitalocean.yml
Run required roles:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Run digitalocean.yml to create droplets and run
ansible-playbook provisioners/digitalocean.yml
ansible-playbook provisioners/digitalocean.yml --ask-vault-pass
Run playbooks with provision.yml file:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini provision.yml
Check if infrastructure is working simply connecting to varnish ip server:
For additional safety of your ssh and api key run:
ansible-vault encrypt provisioners/keys.yml
If you would like to delete droplets, simply switch state of "Provision Digitalocean droplets" from PRESENT to ABSENT and run playbook.
MacOS - INSTALL CERTIFICATES if your Geerlingguy roles end up with certificate error:
Unknown error when attempting to call Galaxy at '': <urlopen error [SSL:CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED]
2nd edition of Ansible for DevOps Jeff Geerling