A helm chart to setup Pixelfed, a federated social media app focused on photos.
This chart is still in a testing phase and may not be fully stable yet.
Uses @mattlqx's docker image which is for now pinned to a specific nightly build of the upstream dev
branch of the official pixelfed repo. You may want to set image.tag="dev-nginx"
(built from the top of the pixelfed repo's dev branch nightly, so it always has the latest version of pixelfed - but maybe buggy) as it may solve issues you are having that are already fixed such as this bug that was already patched.
- helm parameter (
) docs autogenerated usinghelm-docs
- includes bitnami subcharts for valkey (redis) and postgresql (database)
- but you can also bring your own Valkey, Redis, or Postgresql database
- we're also looking for anyone who wants to test the mariadb subchart
- use existing Kubernetes Secrets for Valkey, PostgreSQL, and mail (SMTP)
- configurable liveness and readiness probes (or none at all)
- configurable tolerations, affinity, and nodeselectors
- configurable persistence with a PVC we create, or bring your own
- use extra volumes, volumemounts
- Add sidecar containers or initContainers
- RenovateBot keeps the subcharts and docker image up to date
- The chart is linted and a test install is run on every pull request via a GitHub Workflow
# add the chart repo to your helm repos
helm repo add pixelfed https://small-hack.github.io/pixelfed-chart
# download the values.yaml and edit it with your own values such as YOUR hostname
# especially important are pixelfed.app.domain and pixelfed.mail settings
helm show values pixelfed/pixelfed > values.yaml
# install the chart
helm install --namespace pixelfed --create-namespace pixelfed/pixelfed --values values.yaml
You can find some of the general Pixelfed configuration docs here:
But you'll find additional configuration here:
$ kubectl exec -it YOUR_PIXELFED_POD -- /bin/bash -c "php artisan user:create --name=myname --username=myusername [email protected] --password=password --is_admin=false --confirm_email=true"
If you have a bug to report or a feature to request, you can first search the GitHub Issues, and if you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to open an Issue.
We're always happy to review a pull request :) Please check out the contributing doc.