Livingdocs is not only a CMS but a component-based solution to publish across many devices and products.
This technical documentation is split up in the following main parts:
- Concepts: The fundamental concepts and philosophy behind Livingdocs. This helps you understand how we at Livingdocs think about the software. You will also learn the right words to describe specific things
- Contribution guidelines: Describes how we collaborate and contains details on best practices we follow
- Public: In the public documentation we cover everything you need to know for using a custom Livingdocs instance. Audience: service customers
- Core: Detailed inventory of APIs, configurations, tools and operations available for each core project: server, editor and framework. It is the internal/private documentation. It should not overlap with the public documentation, but together, they hold a complete documentation of the Livingdocs codebase. Audience: integration customers, core-developers/designers