Trying to brush up on my javascript. What better way to do that than to recreate the classic Snake Game. I hope to have a fully functioning snake game that the player can play in a small 3D environment.
The game itself is still played on a small 2D, flat screen. I might try to expand upon it to be a 3D version like the one found on cool math games found here.
If you do not know about the classic snake game, check it out here on wikipedia.
The snake is controlled by the standard WASD keys
- Up
- Down
- Left
- Right
To reset the game, press r
To pause the game and/or to change the camera angle, press c
After pausing the game, you can change the camera angle with the same WASD keys. The camera fov is fixed at the center of the board, and you can also manipulate your view of the board using the mouse left and right buttons with click and drag, similar to manipulating an object in a 3D modeling program.